
All Users on Court FAQs

Update a court user's name in JIS
How does a court update a court user's information after a name change has been done? There are three main steps that need to be completed in order ...
Wed, 7 Jun, 2023 at 12:37 PM
Updated Hearing Type Codes
What are the updated Hearing Type Codes adopted for use in the Courts of Limited Jurisdiction (CLJ)? The updated Hearing Type Codes were developed by the J...
Thu, 23 Feb, 2023 at 3:54 PM
Updated pattern forms for 2009 legislation
Which court forms changed due to 2009 laws and are they available online? The new and updated forms are listed below, with links to the appropriate sect...
Tue, 28 Mar, 2023 at 10:40 AM
Updating a Residential Address in JIS
How do I update a residential address for an IN person type in JIS? If a person's residential and mailing addresses are not the same, either type ...
Tue, 17 Jan, 2023 at 10:43 AM
Updating an Incorrect Name Spelling in JIS
What are the rules for updating an incorrect name spelling in JIS? According to Person Business Rule 5.00 Spelling Names: 5.10 - DOL Name Spelling Pr...
Tue, 17 Jan, 2023 at 2:22 PM
Updating Judge Codes or Calendar Codes Lists (Superior Courts)
How do I update my court's Judge codes or Calendar codes lists? Any needed change to your Judge or Calendar codes needs to be submitted to AOC Custo...
Fri, 20 Jan, 2023 at 12:08 PM
Updating Local Laws in FPSU
What is the procedure to change a local law on the Fine/Penalty Schedule Update (FPSU) screen? The only items that can be changed on an active law on the...
Thu, 8 Dec, 2022 at 9:01 AM
Updating Our Court Directory Information on the Washington Courts Website
How do I get the Washington Courts Web site updated with our court's current information? To notify the Washington State Administrative Office of the...
Fri, 3 Feb, 2023 at 10:24 AM
Updating the court interpreter list
When was the court interpreters list last updated? The directory for Certified Court Interpreters is updated every time an interpreter becomes certified or...
Thu, 9 Mar, 2023 at 11:23 AM
Updating WSP Officer Numbers in JIS
Who updates the WSP officer numbers in JIS? The court administrators and site coordinators at all district and municipal courts are authorized to make ...
Tue, 17 Jan, 2023 at 3:32 PM