
All Users on Court FAQs

What is the appropriate use of the code for Family Member (FML)?
What is the appropriate use of the code for Family Member (FML)? Family Member (FML) is a SCOMIS-only Connection Code.  This code is used for Unified Fami...
Fri, 13 Jan, 2023 at 1:39 PM
When 2008 laws will be available in JIS
When will a new bail schedule for 2008 be available in JIS? The Bail Schedule has been updated for laws effective 1/1/2008.  This schedule includes RCW 4...
Thu, 16 Mar, 2023 at 10:46 AM
When to use Docket Codes CLOC or CLOD
Which Docket Code should be used when a judge signs the order of dismissal for want of prosecution: CLOC (Clerk's Order of Closure For Want Of Prosecuti...
Thu, 12 Jan, 2023 at 2:58 PM
When to use PREMHRG-Pre-Mental Hearing docket code
How is the Proceeding Docket Code PREMHRG used in Mental Illness cases? The Proceeding Code PREMHRG was requested to provide a count of hearings held to a...
Fri, 13 Jan, 2023 at 12:14 PM
When to use the Dismissed reason for adjudicating an FTA
When do I use the Dismissed reason for adjudicating an FTA? The Dismissed reason on the FTA screen is most often used when a case has been dismissed, eith...
Fri, 13 Jan, 2023 at 12:05 PM
Which judicial officers must meet the requirements of GR 26
Which judicial officers must meet the requirements of GR 26? Judicial officers subject to the requirements of General Rule (GR) 26 include all elected or...
Fri, 13 Jan, 2023 at 11:05 AM
Who can perform a marriage in Washington State?
Who in Washington State can perform a marriage?   The Washington State Law RCW 26.04.050 outlines who can perform marriages:. See Also: Ethics Advisory C...
Thu, 10 Mar, 2022 at 11:00 AM
Who can perform a marriage in Washington State?
Who in Washington State can perform a marriage? The Washington State Law RCW 26.04.050 outlines who can perform marriages: See Also: Ethics Advisory ...
Tue, 7 Mar, 2023 at 10:36 AM
Whom Does the Court Notify When a Case is Dismissed Due to a Speedy Trial Violation
Whom does the court notify when a case is dismissed due to a speedy trial violation? An electronic form for reporting time for trial actions to the Wash...
Fri, 13 Jan, 2023 at 10:36 AM
Why can't I see the DVI screen for a person?
Why can't I see the DVI screen for a person? Three conditions must be true in order for you to view the Domestic Violence Inquiry (DVI) screen: ...
Tue, 7 Mar, 2023 at 11:32 AM