
All Users on Court FAQs

CJE progress report mandatory education line
On my General Rule (GR) 26 progress report of continuing judicial education (CJE) credits, there is a line called mandatory education.  What is mandatory...
Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 3:26 PM
CJE progress report review requirement
What does a judicial officer do with the General Rule (GR) 26 progress report of continuing judicial education (CJE) credits received from the Washington S...
Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 3:28 PM
Claiming Previously Escheated Restitution from the AOC
To whom do I send requests for claiming previously escheated restitution? Requests for escheated restitution are processed through the Washington State Adm...
Thu, 22 Dec, 2022 at 10:24 AM
CLE credits for part-time judicial officer/practicing attorney and GR 26 requirements for CJE
As a part-time judicial officer and practicing attorney, I report Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits to the Washington State Bar Association. Will th...
Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 3:30 PM
Clear a Natural error in JIS
How do I clear a Natural error in JIS?  What causes these errors?  Natural is a programming language.  Natural errors occur when the program detects corrup...
Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 3:38 PM
Clerk's Dismissal Download Report change
How do I prepare a file of SCOMIS Clerk's Dismissal Notice data to download for use in my court's mail/merge application? Clerk's Dismissal D...
Mon, 19 Dec, 2022 at 9:55 AM
Clerk's dismissal in cases with protection orders.
Should a clerk's dismissal be pursued if: a) The respondent does not retain an attorney or fails to file a notice of appearance after being served;...
Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 3:40 PM
Clerks Notice of Dismissal Non-appearing, self-represented litigants.
If a respondent does not retain an attorney or fails to file a notice of appearance after being served, does the clerk mail the notice of impending dismiss...
Wed, 7 Dec, 2022 at 1:36 PM
CLJ Resources
Is there a way to quickly find eService Answers or other resources related to the courts of limited jurisdiction? The eService Find an Answer tab contai...
Tue, 25 Apr, 2023 at 2:56 PM
CLJ revenue information on the Caseloads Report
Where is the CLJ revenue information on the Caseloads of the Courts of Washington on the Web? The past year's revenue information for courts of limited...
Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 3:32 PM