Is there a way to quickly find eService Answers or other resources related to the courts of limited jurisdiction?

The eService Find an Answer tab contains search capabilities.  The search box looks for key words used in both the question and the first few lines of the eService Answer.  The search box also looks for key words that are associated with the answers created by AOC staff. 

Please Note:  Certain words, such as "court" or the initials "CLJ" are in numerous answers and may not be helpful key words to enter in the search box. 

Suggested keywords and initials for the courts of limited jurisdiction to search with are:









Small Claims


 The following eService Answers and Web pages relate to courts of limited jurisdiction and court administration processes.  They have been grouped by topic to assist your search.  Click on a topic to locate a collection of eService Answers and web pages that are available to assist the courts of limited jurisdiction:



Computer, Printers, and Access

Court Users/Passwords

Inside Courts

JIS Report Commands (Attached at bottom of the answer)

JIS Resource Book (Attached at the bottom of the answer) ***2015 version added


Miscellaneous Administrative Issues

Miscellaneous JIS Answers for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction


Online Manuals and Court Resources available on Inside Courts

Other Websites


NOTE:  Only a sample of eService Answers and web pages available are grouped within this resource answer.  When looking for a specific subject, please search within the eService Center Find an Answer or in the Online Manuals for the specific topic title or key words.


Answer ID:  Posting bail for another courts case

Answer ID:  Description of the Court Local Revenue Report

Answer ID:  Finding the status of a bankruptcy case

Answer ID:  Reprinting a receipt for CLJ courts

Answer ID:  Add, change, or remove a DCXT table entry

Answer ID:  Printing the DCXT entries for my court

Answer ID:  Changing depository Bank Accounts

Answer ID:  Locating information on unclaimed property

Answer ID:  Maximum overpayment court can retain

Answer ID:  Remitting small overpayments to the local treasurer's office

Answer ID:  Bankruptcy processing in courts of limited jurisdiction

Answer ID:  New filing fees in 2009 for the Judicial Stabilization Trust (JST) account

Answer ID:  JIS Accounting Changes for CLJs as of July 1, 2015 due to Change in IRLJ 6.2

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Computer, Printers, and Access

Answer ID:  Transfer (download) a file from a print domain to a PC

Answer ID:  Summary of JIS commands for district and municipal courts

Answer ID:  PC will not connect to Inside Courts

Answer ID:  Report not showing in the print domain

Answer ID:  Form Settings for the Tally Printer

Answer ID Clear a Natural error in JIS

Answer ID: Getting timed out in JIS applications

Answer ID:  Access the Inside Courts Web site from a computer outside of the court

Answer ID:  Access JIS from a computer outside of the court

Answer ID:  Data dissemination and court records guidelines for the courts

Answer ID:  Setting up a password locked screen saver

Answer ID:  Making a copy of a screen image to attach to an incident

Answer ID:  Set a printer to be the default printer on my PC

Answer ID:  FORS/OBTS Mainframe Applications Convert to OMNI

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Court Users/Passwords

Answer ID:  Security to access the JIS mainframe computer

Answer ID:  Resetting a revoked or expired JIS sign-on (RACF ID) password using RACF Administration

Answer ID:  Resetting my JIS sign-on (RACF ID) password

Answer ID:  Processing instructions when a person leaves court employment

Answer ID:  Changing Court Staff's JIS Security Authorizations

Answer ID:  Give a user from one limited jurisdiction court JIS security in another court (Court's Helping Courts)

Answer ID:  Request a new User ID

Answer ID:  Delete a RACF ID

Answer ID:  Requiring court employees to sign annual confidentiality agreements

Answer ID:  Judicial Access Browser System (JABS Enhanced Security

Answer ID:  Update JIS User Security for the enhanced security in JABS (2014)

Answer ID:  JABS Enhanced Security FAQs

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Inside Courts

eService Center Guide

Hot Links

JIS Education (Includes distance learning opportunities and JIS Courses)

JIS Tutorials (Under Education Events - Self-paced Tutorials like JIS Person Records, Accounting Processes, JABS.)

Manual for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction (Green Book) (Specifically, Bankruptcy)

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Answer:  Changing a law description in FPSU

Answer ID:  Request the subsections of an RCW be added to the statewide law table in JIS

Answer ID:  Accident fee and fee code in JIS

Answer ID:  Distributing local court rule changes electronically to the Washington State law libraries

Answer ID:  Find an RCW

Answer ID:  Updating local laws in FPSU

Answer ID:  CLJ FAQs for 2009 Legislation

Answer ID:  2010 Legislative changes impacting the Courts of Limited Jurisdiction

Answer ID:  Model Traffic Ordinance Not updated Frequently Asked Questions

Answer ID:  2011 Legislative changes impacting the Courts of Limited Jurisdiction

Answer ID: 2012 Legislative changes impacting the Courts of Limited Jurisdiction

Answer ID:  FAQs regarding the Court Rule CrRLJ 3.2 changes (No BF effective July 1, 2012)

Answer ID:  2013 Legislative changes impacting the Courts of Limited Jurisdiction

Answer ID: Changes to IRLJ 6.2 effective December 10, 2013 (Fish & Wildlife Infraction changes)

Answer ID: 2014 Legislative changes impacting the Courts of Limited Jurisdiction

Answer ID: 2015 Legislative changes impacting the Courts of Limited Jurisdiction

Answer ID: JIS Accounting Changes for CLJs as of July 1, 2015 due to Change in IRLJ 6.2

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Miscellaneous Administrative Issues

Answer ID:  Closing our court for a day

Answer ID: Completing the annual registration required by ARLJ 12 for courts of limited jurisdiction

Answer ID:  GR 31 - Public access to court records

Answer ID:  Monthly cutoff for caseload data for district and municipal courts

Answer ID:  Submitting a code request

Answer ID:  DUI Sentencing Grid

Answer ID:  Site Coordinator responsibilities

Answer ID: Submitting judges salary certification for court funding under E2SSB 5454

Answer ID:  Locating the Oath of Office for a new Judge

Answer ID: Court is not receiving PCNs

Answer ID:  Providing legal help to public by court staff

Answer ID: Guiding court staff in requests for public disclosure or data dissemination

Answer ID: Changes to General Court Rules GR 15 and GR 22

Answer ID:  Reports saved to Z Domain

Answer ID: Directions on filing an appeal from a CLJ court

Answer ID: Photo Enforcement and Parking Ticket Setup Tasks

Answer ID: Accessing DOL DRIVES DIAS and DAPS Systems

Answer ID: Procedures to send a BIT query to another BIT user inbox

Answer ID: Schedule BIT queries to run automatically

Answer ID: New Judge Checklist

Answer ID:  Plain Paper Print Warrant (CLJ) - Court set up

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Miscellaneous JIS Answers for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction

Answer ID:  Enter a foreign address on a JIS person record

Answer ID: Changing the LEA on a filed citation

Answer ID: How long infractions stay on a defendant case history (Destruction of Records)

Answer ID: Multiple person records or juvenile numbers for one person in JIS

Answer ID: Year-End Checklist for all court levels

Answer ID: JIS allows hearings on Court Closed Days

Answer ID: When to use the Dismissed reason for adjudicating an FTA

Answer ID: JIS allows hearings on a Court Closed Day, even though CCD was completed

Answer ID: Entering an unknown address in JIS

Answer ID: Defendant used another JIS person's name and identifiers

Answer ID: FORS/OBTS Mainframe Applications Convert to Omni (DOC Application)

Answer ID: Formatting of e-Ticket Case Numbers beginning in 2010

Answer ID: WSP Contact for SECTOR eTicketing issues

Answer ID: Entering a "Guilty - DV Pled and Proved finding - CLJ

Answer ID: DUI with youth in vehicle (ESHB 2302 - 2012 Legislation)

Answer ID: Plain Paper Print Warrants (CLJ) - Using the application

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Answer ID: Change a name on the official (OFO) record

Answer ID: Adding a new judge or commissioner in JIS

Answer ID: Officer Badge Numbers â changing, reassigning, reinstating, removing end effective date

Answer ID: Find the ORI number for an LEA or court

Answer ID Procedures for using the ORA screen

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Online Manuals and Court Resources available on Inside Courts

About JIS Signon and Navigation (Contains demos. Recommended for new staff.)

About Security (Contains demos.)

Address Data Entry Guidelines

Bail (Introduction, Post, Disposition, Forfeited)

BIT Manuals


Cost Fee Codes

Court Interpreters

Court Supplies

FTA Reports

JABS User Security

Name Data Entry Guidelines

Manage User IDs

Manual for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction (Green Book)

Parking Case Maintenance 

RACF Administration


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Other Websites

Social Security Death Index (SSDI)

Washington State Patrol (WSP)

Department of Licensing (DOL) - Main Website

Department of Licensing (DOL) - Public Site/How to get a driver's license back.

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Answer ID: Tutorials for JIS applications and/or new employees

Answer ID: Judicial Branch Education Programs and Conferences

Answer ID: JIS training for court employees

Answer ID: Virtual Institute for New Court Employees (VINCE)

Answer ID: Educational opportunities for the judiciary from other organizations

Answer ID: Institute for New Court Employees (INCE)

Answer ID: Training for court administrators

Answer ID: DMCMA Spring and Fall Regional Training sessions

Answer IDDMCMA training opportunities and Core Competency

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Also, attached at the bottom of this answer are two documents:

  • JIS Report Commands for CLJs - includes an alphabetical listing of the JIS reporting commands and their descriptions.
  • JIS Resource Book - includes documentation new employees should review and contains hyperlinks to other helpful information within the Inside Courts website.  ***The 2015 addition has been added - it will be updated approximately one time per year.  Please keep in mind that some information may change due to enhancements to the systems and legislative changes.

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RN id: 1982