What are the Site Coordinator's responsibilities in Washington State courts using JIS?

Site Coordinators in all courts are perhaps the most important link in the problem resolution partnership that exists between the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Customer Services and the courts.  For the most part, Site Coordinators are AM-type (administrator) users in the Judicial Information System (JIS) and are designated by the appellate clerk, county clerk, superior court administrator, juvenile court administrator, district/municipal court administrator, or in some cases by the presiding judge in the court.

It is recommended that the Site Coordinator manage all communications between his/her court and the AOC Customer Services, thereby minimizing any delays in problem resolution due to duplicate requests or miscommunications.  In addition, this communication flow enables the Site Coordinator to become the JIS application expert for their court.

Links to the key responsibilities of the Site Coordinator are listed below. Click each link for detailed information further down in this document.  To print this answer as a reference, click the Print Answer link at the left of this screen.

  1. Primary Contact
  2. Problem Resolution
  3. Training
  4. Security Management
  5. Additional Resources 

Primary Contact:

As the primary contact between AOC Customer Services and his/her court in using the JIS application, the Site Coordinator is charged with the responsibility to:

  • Manage the use of the application;
  • Request assistance from AOC Customer Services;
  • Track the resolution of the issues.

In order to fulfill these responsibilities, the Site Coordinator should communicate with AOC Customer Services using the following methods:

In addition to application issues, Site Coordinators are responsible for notifying Customer Services of court staff changes in:

  • Administrators
  • County clerks
  • Data Warehouse Coordinators
  • Other Site Coordinators
  • Authorized callers.

This information assists the AOC in maintaining an up-to-date contact list, including phone numbers, FAX numbers, and Internet e-mail addresses.  Contact information is important in keeping the court clients informed regarding the JIS applications.

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Problem Resolution:

A site coordinator is the in-house troubleshooter and JIS application expert for court staff.  A site coordinator needs to be familiar with:

  • The content of JIS. 
  • The Online resources on the Inside Courts  Website, including:
  • The Site Coordinators "LISTSERV" used for court staff peer information sharing.

    The LISTSERV for each court level is an ideal tool to discuss and share specific business processes used by other courts that may help your court formulate sound local business processes. For more information about using ListServs, please see How Do I Send a Message or Note to a LISTSERV

Since verbal communication leaves room for mistranslations and lost information over time, the eService Center application provides documentation of the problem, called an "incident," with the discoveries made from initial identification through final resolution.

  • Incidents are available to all eService Center users and provide court staff with access to consistent communications.
  • The eService Center incidents become a historical audit trail of problems and issues that have surfaced within the court.  These incidents can be tracked by the submitting court and many of them become knowledge answers to benefit all of the courts statewide.

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The Site Coordinator is the system/best practice expert relied upon by the AOC to keep court staff informed.  Those chosen for this role, especially newly-appointed Site Coordinators, should attend any relevant Education Course offered online and at a conferences.  Site Coordinators should also be familiar with all available online education resources at Help Courts as well as the online and on-site JIS/ETP/JCS/Odyssey/BIT classes offered by the AOC's JIS Education Services.

Long-time Site Coordinators are encouraged to re-attend classes every two to three years as a refresher.  Such attendance can be helpful in learning new steps or helpful Tips that may not have been provided or available during earlier training courses, and also to confirm that the recommended Best Practices have not changed since earlier training sessions.

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Security Management:

A Site Coordinator has many responsibilities related to security.

A Site Coordinator submits new requests or updates to RACF ID's for court staff.  Resets of the AOC screen passwords are managed by the site coordinator using the RACFADMN application from the TPX Menu.  Resets for the JIS Main Menu passwords and/or Cashier IDs are also managed by the site coordinator using the ATH screen in JIS.

A site coordinator maintains local JIS security authorizations for all court staff that use JIS and uses the JIS security update form to notify the AOC of the higher level security change requests maintained by the AOC staff (Manage JIS User ID's located on the Inside Courts Web site).

A summary of security maintenance tasks for court Site Coordinators is below:

NOTE: Many of the hyperlinks within this section go directly to the specific section of the Administrative Tasks online manual for the topic being addressed. Please review each of these sections for instructions and demonstrations prior to the first time you complete a new security-related task.

For additional helpful eService Answers regarding security, training, and other JIS related topics, see also eService CLJ Resources or eService County Clerks Resources.

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RN id: 1314