When processing an eTicket in ETP, I received an error message, but there is no specified error listed on the screen and another JIS screen is displayed. We are unable to continue processing eTickets due to this error. What needs to be done to clear it?

The blank errors are usually caused by confusion between the ETP screen and the invisible JIS session. You may only see the notation of Error on Page at the bottom of the Web browser. A correction in JIS will likely need to be made in order to clear the error in ETP.

Below are three possible reasons for an error, along with the solutions.

1. If the error occurred during the Name Search in ETP:

Examine the JIS person record and the person's DOL record.  The most likely cause of the error will be a symbol that was added into the PER screen incorrectly.  (See Person Business Rule 8.00 Addresses.)  The problem could be quotation marks in the address (i.e. 123 T St), or other symbols such as &, <, or > somewhere on the screen.  Remove the additional symbol or symbols in JIS and return to ETP to process the citation.

2. DOL information:

Occasionally, hyphenated name records or records with multiple names in DOL cannot be scraped back into JIS using the <F6> key.  This is because the length of the DOL name is longer than the name space in JIS.  When the <F6> key is used, an error message occurs "behind the scenes" in JIS, which causes an error message to occur in ETP.

When the issue is in the DOL record, you will NOT be able to make a correction to the record to stop the error message.  Instead, the workaround is to process the eTicket in ETP WITHOUT accessing DOL.  Update any information from the DOL record by viewing the record using JIS first.  Then, manually update the PER record in JIS instead of using the Screen Scrape function <F6>.

3. The eTicket was hand-entered in JIS before the ETP entry was done:

You will need to review the NCC and PLS screens for possible errors or missing information.


Once the necessary correction is complete in JIS, return to ETP to process the citation.  Click the Task Selection option on the Toolbar to return to the Task Selection page.  You will now be able to go back into the Process eTickets option to complete the ETP process of the citation.

If this error recurs upon returning to the first eTicket, click the Logout option on the Toolbar to close the existing ETP window. 

NOTE:  If you click the red X on the browser window instead of the Logout button, you will ALSO need to close the existing Inside Courts Web browser. Open a new Inside Courts session and sign back into ETP and proceed with processing the eTickets; the error message should not return.

4.  Error screen appears with message, as shown below:

Error Message

Make sure that the user has appropriate access to all necessary JIS commands as described under the Court Responsibilities heading of the Checklist: Setting Up Your Court for eTicketing topic of the eTicketing Online Manual. Under Court Responsibilities, see specifically the Provide access to JABS Checklist item. Follow the instructions to verify that the user's Authorization Overrides (ATHX) screen provides him/her access to JABS, as well as Update (U) or Display (D) permission to the following screens, as indicated below:


 Type of Access

 VIO   U
 MAM   D
 PER   U
 NCC   U
 SND   D




5.  Error screen appears with message, as shown below:

Error Message

If this message is displayed, follow the steps below:

  1. Logoff of ETP and close the browser window.
  2. Also close the Inside Courts browser window.
  3. Restart your Internet browser and re-access the Inside Courts page "Access JIS."
  4. Select ETP and log into the newly-opened ETP session.

If you continue to experience an error message from any of the above problems, please use the following steps to create a screen shot of the error message and submit it via the eService Center for AOC Customer Services. Submit an eService incident using eService Center as follows:

  1. Select Topic: Case Management.
  2. Describe the problem you encountered in the Question Data area.
  3. In the Attach Documents to Question or Request area, click Browse.
  4. Locate the screen shot you saved earlier, select it, and click Open.
  5. Then click the Click to Add Attachment button. (You must do this to actually add the attachment.)
  6. Click Submit to AOC (Step 1 of 2).
  7. Click Finish Submitting Question (Step 2 of 2).

See also:

RN id: 1766