When processing a ticket in ETP, sometimes an error message occurs. The error message has a copy of the JIS Main Menu and there is a command in the command line. What does this mean?

There are different JIS screens that you must be able to access in order to process an eTicket using ETP. Some of the screens are used behind the scenes and you would not normally access them directly. For example, the Case Tokens Inquiry (TOKE) screen is used in ETP and you must have display access to this screen in JIS in order to complete an ETP entry. However, when you manually enter a ticket, you would never access this screen.

When you receive an ETP error message that shows a copy of the JIS Main Menu page, check the Command line to see what is causing the error. The Command code and the corresponding error message above it should tell you the reason for the error so that you can make the needed correction.

If the reason is unclear, or if you have already addressed the listed issue but are still receiving the message, please do the following:

  1. Create and save a screen shot of the error page.
  2. Submit an eService incident using eService Center as follows:
    • Select Topic 3. Case Management.
    • Describe the problem you encountered in the Question Data area.
    • In the Attach Documents to Question or Request area, click Browse.
    • Locate the screen shot you saved earlier, select it, and click Open.
    • Â Then click the Click to Add Attachment button. (You must do this to actually add the attachment.)
    • Click Submit to AOC (Step 1 of 2).
    • Click Finish Submitting Question (Step 2 of 2).

For more information about the Security settings required to use ETP, see also:

RN id: 1765