What should superior court clerks do in SCOMIS, JIS and Odyssey when an order terminating a Parent/Child Relationship (ORTPCR) is signed?

  1. Record the document in the SCOMIS docket for the dependency case involving the parent(s) and the child. 
  2. Person Business Rule 11.20 requires that the County Clerk's staff update the relationships in JIS on the Family Relationship Case (FRC) screen if a dependency case exists involving the parent(s) whose rights have been terminated.

For JIS, see the Case/Person Processing>Case Initiation>Relationships for Case Participants of the Online JIS Manual.

Terminated Parent/Child Relationships (TRP/TRC) are visible on the FRC screen and on the Family Relationship History (FRH) screens only by:

  • Juvenile department staff statewide who have JIS display or update security to the TRP/TRC relations on the Security Authorization Overrides (ATHX) screen for Authorization Type F (Family Relations).

  • County Clerk's office staff in the county where the termination action took place who have JIS display or update security to the TRP/TRC relations on the Security Authorization Overrides (ATHX) screen for Authorization Type F (Family Relations).

For Odyssey instructions, please see eService Answer: Odyssey Procedure When Parental Rights are Terminated.

See Also:

RN id: 1581