What are the PCN implementation dates for counties in Washington State?

The document attached at the bottom of this answer lists the Process Control Number (PCN) Implementation Dates for each county in Washington.

As of May 2002, thirty-eight (38) of the thirty-nine (39) counties in Washington were fully implemented in the Process Control Number (PCN) procedures, representing ninety-one per cent (91%) of the Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) submissions to the Washington State Patrol (WSP).

One county (Pierce County, representing 9% of the Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) on file with the WSP), was partially implemented with the PCN on January 29, 2001. Pierce County Superior Court generates the PCNs from the county's local system, with only the district and municipal courts in Pierce County entering the PCNs into JIS.

Since January 29, 2001, Pierce County Corrections submits fingerprint arrest cards with the PCNs; however, only non-felony disposition transfer reports are received by the WSP from the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC). Felony disposition reports will be transmitted after completion of an interface between the local information system and SCOMIS for uploading PCNs.

See also:

Answer: Court is Not Receiving PCNs

Answer: No PCN Information on a Case for a Person Fingerprinted or Booked

Answer: PCN Recording and Transmission Process for Superior Courts

Answer: PCN Recording and Transmission Process for CLJ Courts

RN id: 1448