How does SHB 1088, a new chapter under RCW Title 26, Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act, affect the Superior Court arbitration process?

Currently there are no changes to the arbitration process itself; however, there are new codes specific to Family Law. Some of these new codes will automatically update case statuses when appropriate.  There are also changes to time standard and arbitration reports.



The following codes have been approved by the JIS codes committee, the codes will have an effective date of January 1, 2024. 


Places case in Arbitration status (ARB)

  • STPFLA - Stipulation to Family Law Arbitration 
  • ORTFLA - Order Transferring to Family Law Arbitration 

Returns case from Arbitration status (RARB)

  • ORCAD - Court's Order Confirming Arbitrator Decision 
  • ORWCFL - Order Withdrawing Case from Family Law Arbitration 
  • ORVFLAR - Order Vacating Family Law Arbitration Award Remove from Arb

Does not change case status

  • ORVFLAA - Order Vacating Family Law Arbitration Award Remain in Arb 
  • ARBOR - Arbitrator's Order 

Odyssey Arbitration Time Standards and Reporting

Time Standard 'phase" reports:

 The arbitration time standards reports have been updated to include the codes that open and close the different phases of arbitration, and therefore are ready for use statewide as of January 1, 2024.


Event Listing report (for Arbitration):


For courts using an existing “Event Listing Report” for Arbitration, the following case event type codes will need to be added locally to your report: STPFLA, ORTFLA, ORCAD, ORWFCL, ORVFLAR, ORVFLAA, ARBOR. 


Instructions for modifying a recurring Job Schedule for this report can be found in the Odyssey Online Manual: Submitting and Scheduling Reports Submitting and Scheduling Reports.


Odyssey Reports for Managing Arbitration:

Event Listing:  Lists event types, who entered the event, and either the event date/time or the date/time entered.


Create the Event Listing report with selected event codes as parameters and schedule to run every day with a date range of t-14.


Other Resources

For more information, see 2023 Legislative Changes Impacting the Superior Courts, County Clerks, and Juvenile Departments (SHB 1088).