How does JABS display matched EDR person records? 

Beginning March 30, 2020, the JABS Person Search Results screen will be enhanced to identify person records that have been matched through the EDR Person Matching process. Person records that are matched, have a consolidated case history. 

See below for information on how the Person Search Results screen will display in JABS. 
  1. Person records that have been matched will display with one "Cases" link for each group
  2. If there is more than one person record in a group, the person records will be indented following the top person record
  3. Each group will have the same color background and will alternate colors with each group
  4. Ture Name records from JIS will have a "T" in the AKA column to indicate a JIS "True Name"
  5. Non-JIS records will not have a "True Name" or "Alias Name" indicator in the AKA column
  6. AKA records from JIS will have an "A" in the AKA column to indicate a JIS "Alias Name"


PLEASE NOTE: Courts that are sending data from an alternate case management system, may display more than one person record for the same person.

RN id: 2526