When should the identifying information for a respondent named in a petition for initial detension under RCW 71.05.150 or RCW 71.05.153 be sent to WSP and DOL?

2019 legislation, SSB 5181, includes a requirement for the respondents driverâs license, identicard, or comparable information that was included in the petition for initial detention to be submitted to DOL and WSP when:  

  • The petition filed by the DCR for initial detention under RCW 71.05.150 or 71.05.153 on the grounds that the person presents a likelihood of serious harm shall include a copy of the persons drivers license or identicard, or comparable information.  The clerk should forward a copy of the drivers license, identicard, or comparable information to DOL and WSP when:
    • A person has been detained by court order for up to 72 hours, and
      • After a probable cause hearing was held, the court found an initial detention (72-hour) petition was based on likelihood of serious harm under RCW 71.05.150 or RCW 71.05.153, and no petition for 14-day commitment was filed; or
      • After a probable cause hearing was held on the petition for 14-day commitment, the court found an initial detention (72-hour) petition was based on likelihood of serious harm under RCW 71.05.150 or RCW 71.05.153, and the petitioner failed to meet their burden of proof at the probable cause hearing, which resulted in dismissal of the petition. 

    • After a probable cause hearing was held, the court found an initial detention (72-hour) petition was based on likelihood of serious harm under RCW 71.05.150 or RCW 71.05.153.   

The respondents drivers license or identicard, or other comparable information, Originating Agency Identifier (ORI) Number, and the date of respondents release from the facility should be sent to:

  • Dept. of Licensing, Business & Professions Firearms Unit, [email protected]

    (PO Box 9649, Olympia, WA 99999-9999)

  • Washington State Patrol, [email protected]

    (Attn:  ACCESS Section PO Box 42619, Olympia, WA 98501)

New Event/Docket code implemented:

  • IDCS  Identification Cover Sheet

    Code was approved by the JIS Codes Committee and effective 7/28/2019.    

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RN id: 2521"