Why can I NOT see the results of a BIT Query when running a report?

To see the results when running a report, the following list below may prevent you from viewing data:

1. Security
2. BIT is unable to validate the data entered.
3. Running HTML or JAVA via your browser settings.

1. Security

BIT access is associated with the person's authority in JIS. This determines the type of data the user can access as well as the universe for running a query. In order to view/customize the results in a BIT report, the user must have a RACF ID associated with an Official (OFO) record on the Authorization Modify Screen (ATH) in JIS.

To customize access, the authorizer must:

Access the user's Official (OFO) record in JIS.  If the record's Name Code is not known, use the Command OOD (Official and Organization Record Search), the person's name, and the Person Type Code (i.e., AM, AC, CL) in the "NmCd" field to complete a search.

  • Go to the ATH screen with the OFO Record Code in the "NmCd" field.
  • Tab down to the RACF ID field and add the person's RACF ID and then press Enter.
  • Wait 24 hours.  The security change will need to be uploaded into the Data Warehouse in the overnight process before BIT will begin showing report results for that user.

2. HTML vs JAVA:

Dependent upon the use of JAVA or HTML.  Data may display differently as well as the capability and tools within a report.  To learn more about BIT's compatibility with JAVA vs HTML see Answer ID.

3. Missing/Invalidated Data:

When a user runs the Web Intelligence application, the data results may not show within a document for the following reasons below:


1. The message below displays when there is no data found based on the data objects or the query filters.  This could be because the data entered is outside of the parameters of the objects selected within the query:


2. The message below displays when the user creates a variable, and it contains an incorrect formula.  Web Intelligence will not be able to extract data without an accurate formula.  To know whether the formula is correct, the user would click the check box button. To delete the formula, the user would use the X button to delete and re-enter the formula.


RN id: 2455