What is the difference between a Related Case and a Case Cross Reference Number under the Case Detail Tab?

Related Cases are two or more Odyssey cases associated together under the Detail Tab:


Relating cases in Odyssey allows the user to see other cases involving the same parties.  It is also used for case management and consolidation.

The Detail Tab in Odyssey is similar to the Consolidation Field in SCOMIS:


Case Cross Reference Numbers are numbers used in systems OUTSIDE of Odyssey:


In the example shown above, the JIS/SCOMIS Case Number, SCOMIS Judgment Number and Law Enforcement Agency are from systems used outside of Odyssey.  

Other common examples not listed are Juvenile Numbers, Process Control Numbers (PCN) and Court of Appeals Numbers.

The Detail Tab displays both  Related Cases and the Case Cross Reference Numbers on same tab:



RN id: 2422