How can a court obtain a RACFID to be used for screen scraping applications?

If a court is developing screen scraping technology for use in their court, a new RACFID may be needed. The following process will help a Court Administrator/Site Coordinator submit the appropriate information needed by AOC.

1. The court shall complete the Manage JIS User Access online form.

  • In the "Comments or Additional Information" section, include the RACFID to be used for [enter purpose here] being completed/developed by [enter developer/company name here].
  • Specify if the RACFID is needed for production and/or development environments.

    • If access to the Quality Assurance (QA) environment is needed, specify:

      • Why access to that environment is needed; and
      • How long it will be needed.

  • If this is for an automated purpose for which no user name is associated, specify the Court Administrator/Site Coordinator whose name will be connected with this RACFID.
  • Once the online form has been submitted, navigate to the eService Center to attach the "Statement of Work" included in the contract with your vendor:

    • Select the "My Stuff" tab
    • Enter your RACF ID and select Login
    • Select the hyperlink for "Webmaster Email: Manage JIS User Access"
    • In the "Results and/or Additional Information" section, note that you are attaching the "Statement of Work"
    • Use the Attach Additional Documents to Question by selecting the "Browse" button
    • Once the Statement of Work is attached, select Submit.

2. AOC Staff will review the request, and if approved, set up RACFID and TPX, and provide:

  • RACFID and password
  • If QA environment is needed, the following will be provided:

    • AM type JIS User ID for QA environment
    • Documentation on how to access QA environment and set up users

3. It will be up to the local Court Administrator/Site Coordinator to set up JIS User IDs. Contact your vendor to determine the specific screen access needed for the application being developed. See the Administrative Tasks in the Online Manual for help to set up a JIS User ID.

: This request could take longer than the usual 48 hours to process. If the request is not completed within five business days, you will receive an update providing the status of your request.

RN id: 2408