How does my court change the number of days for a parking ticket to be delinquent?

By default, a case filed in the parking sub-system is considered delinquent after 30 days.  As of January 19, 2016, courts can modify the default delinquency days using the Parking Delinquent Days Table.

For courts updating the Parking Delinquent Days Table for the first time:

  1. Access the Maintain Codes Table by using the TABM command and press ENTER.
  2. This will display the first table on the TABM screen. Type over current code on the Table ID with PRKDLQDY and press ENTER.

    (NOTE:When updating the table for the first time and system message will read "No (more) entries in table/court" on the Result Value. This indicates the court is using the default of 30 day delinquent days.)
  3. To update the number of delinquency days, navigate to the Action Field (*) and put an A;
  4. Type DLQDAYS in the Key field;

    The parking sub-system will only recognize a key of DLQDAYS, any other key that is entered will be bypassed by the system.

        5.    Type the three-digit number of days in the Result Value column, delete any text remaining in the line, and press                 ENTER.

If entering 45 days, Result Value should be 045.

The table is updated, and the parking sub-system will begin using the days entered in the table as the delinquency days for the collections process.

PRKDLQDY Table with Entry

The delinquency days can be changed on the Parking Delinquency Days Table at any time:

  1. Access the Maintain Codes Table by using the TABM command and press ENTER.
  2. This will display the first table on the TABM screen. Type over current code on the Table ID with PRKDLQDY and press ENTER.
  3. Navigate to the DLQDAYS key
  4. Type a C in the * column
  5. Leave the DLQDAYS in the Key column
  6. Tab to the Result Value column, type over the numbers with the new three-digit number and press ENTER.

The table is updated, and the parking sub-system will begin using the days entered in the table as the delinquency days for the collections process

Setting the Parking Delinquency Days back to default:

  1. Access the Maintain Codes Table by using the TABM command and press ENTER.
  2. This will display the first table on the TABM screen. Type over current code on the Table ID with PRKDLQDY and press ENTER.
  3. Navigate to the DLQDAYS key;
  4. Type a D in the * column and press ENTER.
  5. Press PF9 to verify.

The DLQDAYS key will be deleted, the "No (more) entries in table/court" system message will appear, and the system will return to using the default 30 delinquency days.

RN id: 2406