What changes were made to the JIS Accounting for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction (CLJ) due to the change to IRLJ 6.2 as of July 1, 2015?

The Washington State Supreme Court amended the Infraction Rules of Courts of Limited Jurisdiction (IRLJ) 6.2 to reflect a $6 increase in the base penalties for most infractions effective July 1, 2015.  This resulted in changes to BARS Codes, Cost/Fee Codes and the DCXT Worksheet.

The document attached at the bottom of this answer lists the six (6) BARS codes that were created; thirty eight (38) BARS codes were renamed, and three (3) Cost/Fee Codes were reassigned to the new BARS codes. 

Courts should complete the DCXT screen for the new BARS codes by using the DCXT Worksheet.  Changes made to the JIS Online Codes Manual can also be found the Recent Updates manual page.

RN id: 2387