What needs to be done by my court for the implementation of the Improper Display of  Placard/Plate violation effective July 1, 2015?

As part of the 2014 legislature, Engrossed Substitute House Bill # 2463 was passed with an effective date of July 1, 2015. This bill amends the laws related to special parking privileges for persons with disabilities in an attempt to decrease the amount of unlawful use of special parking privileges, to not create additional burdens on those in need of the special parking privileges, and to provide local jurisdictions with the authority to improve their administration of on-street parking.

The local law table updates must be made using the Fine Penalty Schedule Update (FPSU) screen prior to the effective date of July 1, 2015.

The following is a detailed description of the changes to the parking laws. Additional instructions and demonstrations on looking up (Inquiry), end dating (Remove), or adding new laws can be located in the Fine Penalty Schedule Update (FPSU) screen portion of the JIS Online Manual Administrative Tasks. An example of what the FPSU screen should look like when adding the new violations can be located attached to this answer.

Laws to be Added to JIS (Local Law Table)

RCW 46.19.050(6) - Improper Display of Placard/Plate.

Changes to be made:

  • Courts must add the PR law as a local law.

    • Case Type is PR, Caseload Case Type is IP.
    • All flags are set to no (N).
    • Delinquent amount is set by local code and cannot be greated than $25 per RCW 46.63.110(4)
    • Severity Code: 1 
    • Penalty amount set by statute is $450.
    • BARS Code to use is 354.00.07.
    • Effective Date: July 1, 2015.

  • If the court receives parking infractions from multiple jurisdictions, a local version of the law must be added for each jurisdiction.
  • A new Violation Code must be added to the Parking Violations Codes (PRKVIO) Table for any jurisdiction that sites to the court, so the parking code can be used to enter citations.


RN id: 2381