How do I search the manuals on

Searching the online manuals on is done within the specific application manual. Each application (JIS, BIT, JCS etc.) is represented by a link on, organized by court level. Opening a manual allows the user to search using:

  1. The search box located in the upper right-hand corner
  2. The search icon represented by a question mark in the upper left-hand corner

The search functionality is the same in both areas; however, additional functions can be accessed using the search icon.

The Search Tab contains a keyword search field in the banner.  To search for a keyword, type the word in the field and then press <Enter>. The Help system searches all the help files and will display the results by the topic name within the Navigation Bar.  Click the name of the topic, and it will display that topic in the Content Field with the keyword highlighted wherever it appears.

Clicking on the Search Tab opens up a search box within the Table of Contents, this search function has additional criteria that allows users to:

  • Show results that include all search words:  If selected this will show only topics that contain every element input in the search box
  • Highlight search results:  This highlights the search word in the content pane
  • Search results per page:  This allows users to limit the number of searches that display per page and defaults to 10 pages 

Additionally, the help manuals can use a Phrase search, Ranking and Boolean operators:

  • Phrase Search:
    To search for a phrase, users need to enter it in quotation marks in the search box. "Case Order History Report" only will return topics with the phrase, "Case Order History Report"
  • Ranking:
    Search ranks results based on their relevance. If the term is included in the topic title, it is ranked higher
  • Boolean operators:
    Search can be narrowed by combing search terms, use the operator AND or NOT to further narrow the search term. Example: reports NOT order history

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