Where can the courts locate a copy of the sign needed for implementation of ESH 5484 from the 2013 Legislative session?

Engrossed Substitute House Bill (ESHB) 5484 passed in the 2013 Washington State Legislative session requires the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) to draft a standard signage form that the courts can use to notify the public that committing an assault in a courthouse or location used for court purposes, during court proceedings is a felony violation and may result in enhanced penalties.  A violation of this act can be cited only if the signage is prominently displayed at any public entrance to a courtroom.

AOC has completed two versions of the signage for the courts to utilize and has posted a copy of each to the Resources, Publications, and Reports page of the public web site www.courts.wa.gov.  Courts can use one of these signage options to have signs created for posting at the entrance of their courtroom(s).  Courts wanting to change the language of the provided sign should do so ONLY after consulting with their legal counsel.


RN id: 2323