Which laws passed during the 2013 Washington State Legislative session impact the courts of limited jurisdiction, and how are they impacted?

A number of bills passed during the 2013 legislative session impact the courts of limited jurisdictions.

This answer contains:

  • The Bill number and a link to the complete text of the bill from the Washington State Legislature's Web site.
  • A brief summary of the changes or additions created by the bill.
  • Court action needed or court awareness section addressing the specific system, code, law table, or form changes due to the bill. Also provided are the related links to updated documentation in the online manuals and links to eService Answers with additional information or instructions related to the bill, if applicable.
  • Effective date of the law.
  • The answer may be updated as additional information becomes available.  Updated items will be documented with *** and the Court Impact or Court Awareness title will be highlighted. 
  • Select the bill name in the table of contents below to advance directly to the details for the bill. Click the "Return to Top" link at the bottom of any bill section to return to the top of this answer.


Collaborative Law Act

  • Bill #1116
  • Summary -This bill adds a new chapter to Title 7 RCW (Special Proceedings and Actions) called the Uniform Collaborative Law Act. "Collaborative law process" means a procedure intended to resolve a collaborative matter without intervention by a tribunal in which people: (a) Sign a collaborative law participation agreement; and (b) Are represented by collaborative lawyers. "Collaborative matter" means a dispute, transaction, claim, problem, or issue for resolution, including a dispute, claim, or issue in a proceeding, which is described in a collaborative law participation agreement. "Tribunal" means: A court, arbitrator, administrative agency, or other body acting in an adjudicative capacity which, after presentation of evidence or legal argument, has jurisdiction to render a decision affecting a party's interests in a matter; or (b) A legislative body conducting a hearing or similar process. The use of collaborative law applies only to matters that would be resolved in civil court and may not be used to resolve matters in criminal cases.
  • Court impact - Two new Docket Codes have been created for the courts of limited jurisdiction to document when Collaborative Law Agreements have been entered on a civil case:
    • CLPAG - Collaborative Law Participation Agreement
    • CLPST - Collaborative Law Process Status Report
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Seafood Labeling

  • Bill #1200
  • Summary -Department of Agriculture violations under Chapter 69.04 RCW are amended to modify the violations related to mislabeling or misbranding fish and shellfish. A violation under this chapter will be either a misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or a felony depending on the fair market value of the fish or shellfish involved.
  • Court awareness - The JIS law table has been updated with the new laws; a list of the law table changes can be found attached to the bottom of this answer. 
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Derelict and Abandoned Vessels

  • Bill #1245
  • Summary - Regarding derelict and abandoned vessels in state waters. This bill amends Chapter 88.02.380 RCW to change violations under this law to Class 2 Civil Infractions. Money collected under this section must be credited to the ticketing jurisdiction and used only for the support of the enforcement agency, department, division, or program that issued the violation after the subtraction of court costs and administrative collection fees. The misdemeanors previously listed in this chapter will be removed from the law tables by the effective date of this bill.

    A new section is added to Chapter 79.100 RCW that allows an officer or employee of an authorized public entity or the department of ecology to apply for and obtain an administrative search warrant in either Thurston County Superior Court or the superior court in the county where a vessel is located, unless a warrant is not otherwise required by law. The search warrant must be obtained prior to boarding any vessel under the authority of this section.

    Chapter 79.100.060 RCW is amended to allow a vessel owner or any person or entity that has incurred secondary liability under section 38 of this bill to seek reimbursement of costs. If the full amount of all costs due to the authorized public entity under this chapter is not paid to the authorized public entity within thirty days after first notifying the responsible parties of the amounts owed, the authorized public entity or the department may bring an action in any court of competent jurisdiction to recover the costs, plus reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred by the authorized public entity.

    Chapter 88.26.020 RCW is also amended to allow hearings to be held related to the validity of the impound of the vessel. The impound validity hearings are to be filed in the superior court of the county where the vessel was impounded.
  • Court awareness -
    • The existing search warrant process shall be used to process the search warrants authorized under Chapter 79.100 RCW.
    • Courts of Limited Jurisdiction should use the JIS Civil Cause Code "OTH" (Other) for filing an action related to recovering costs.
    • The JIS law table has been updated; a list of the law table changes can be found attached to the bottom of this answer. ***
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Traffic Infraction Notices

  • Bill #1265
  • Summary - Chapter 46.63.060 RCW is amended to change the term "Vehicle License" to "Vehicle Registration" on Traffic Infraction Notices related to standing, stopping, or parking.  The wording of the warning on the Traffic Infraction Notices must change to state that a person's license "may" be suspended instead of "shall" be suspended for failure pay, appear, respond or comply. 
  • Court awareness - The new wording on the Traffic Infraction forms must be in place by July 1, 2015.
  • Court Action -
    • A review of the Parking and Photo Enforcement forms needs to be made to determine if a change is needed. If changes are needed, submit the entire form, with the changes, to AOC for approval prior to the updated form being used.
    • Submit forms for approval through the eService's Ask a Question option (above). Please make the first line of the "Question" read "Parking/Photo Enforcement Infraction Form approval."
    • If no changes are needed on the form, no action is required.
    • A list serv email reminder was sent out on July 18, 2014.  A copy of that email is attached at the bottom of this answer. ***
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Sex Trafficking-Victim Services

  • Bill #1291
  • Summary -Concerning services for victims of the sex trade. This bill adds a new section to Chapter 43.280 RCW which establishes the statewide coordinating committee on sex trafficking. All expenses of the committee shall come from the prostitution prevention and intervention account.

    Chapter 9.68A.105 RCW is amended to require two percent of the revenue from fees imposed under this section be remitted quarterly to the department of commerce, together with a report detailing the fees assessed, the revenue received, and how that revenue was spent.

    Chapter 9A.88.120 RCW is amended to allow a district or municipal court may enter into a payment plan with the defendant, in which the fee assessed in this section, paid through scheduled periodic payments. The court may assess the defendant a reasonable fee for administrative services related to the operation of the payment plan. 
  • Court impact -
    • New Remit Group and BARS codes have been added for the existing Cost Fee Code PRP - Prostitution Prevention & Intervention Fee.
    • A new Cost Fee Code ATP - Administrative Time Pay have been added to allow the courts to receipt the time pay administrative fee allowed under RCW 9A.88.120(3)(b).
    • Courts will need to add the new codes to their County Department Cross Reference Table (DCXT) in JIS.  A list of new and changed items from the DCXT Worksheet can be found at the bottom of this answer.
    • The Prostitution Prevention & Intervention Account Report for Local Treasurers is located in the Accounting Folder within the Court Level Folder in BOXI. The report should be run at the beginning of each new quarter (April, July, October, and January).
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Protection Orders-Sexual Assault

  • Bill #1307
  • Summary -The Sexual Assault Protection Order Act has been amended:
    • to allow Guardians ad Litem to be appointed at no cost to either party
    • to allow service of petitions by publication or mail
  • Court impact - The SXP Pattern Forms have been modified to allow for the service by publication and service by mail.  A list of the new and updated pattern forms is available at the bottom of this answer.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Stalking and Harassment Protection Order

  • Bill #1383
  • Summary - Creates a civil protection order available to victims of stalking conduct who do not qualify for a Domestic Violence protection order. Creates procedures for entry of a Stalking No-Contact Order in Criminal proceedings for stalking and related offenses. Requests that the Administrative Office of the Courts develop a master pattern form for all Anti-Harassment and Stalking Protection Order Petitions.
  • Court knowledge -Section 8 of the bill states "No fees for filing or service of process may be charged by a public agency to petitioners seeking relief under this chapter."
  • Court impact -
    • The Pattern Forms Committee has developed a Petition for Order for Protection - Stalking, it and other Stalking related pattern forms are available on the Court Forms page of the public website www.courts.wa.gov.
      • A list of the new and updated pattern forms is available at the bottom of this answer.
      • NOTE:  The combined Petition for Harassment/Stalking will be developed and published prior to the required implementation date of that form, January 1, 2014.
    • New codes have been created:
      • Civil Cause Code: STK - Stalking Protection Order (Non-DV) - available July 29, 2013.
      • Order Codes for use in both Civil and Criminal cases: STK - Stalking Protection Order and TSK - Temporary Stalking Protection Order. (Note: If the DV Flag = Y, use NCO, not STK or TSK. The Stalking Protection Orders are for DV=N only.) - available July 29, 2013.
    • The JIS law table has been updated with the law table changes; a list of the law table changes can be found attached to the bottom of this answer.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Metal Theft-Scrap Metal Licenses

  • Bill #1552
  • Summary - The bill concerns the reduction of metal theft. This bill creates a licensing scheme for scrap metal businesses, expands criminal penalties for metal theft and malicious mischief and allows for civil forfeiture of property used in the commission of a crime involving the theft, trafficking, or unlawful possession of commercial metal property.
  • Court awareness - The JIS law table has been updated; a list of the law table changes can be found attached to the bottom of this answer.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Felony Firearm Offenders

  • Bill #1612
  • Summary -Concerning information on firearm offenders. This bill adds a new section to Chapter 9.41 RCW that states "when a defendant in this state is convicted of a felony firearm offense or found not guilty by reason of insanity of any felony firearm offense, the court must consider whether to impose a requirement that the person comply with the registration requirements of section 4 of this act and may, in its discretion, impose such a requirement."

    A new felony firearm offender registration database is to be created; ordered offenders must report to the sheriff's office for entry into the database.

    A new section is added to Chapter 9.41 RCW creating a new violation for failure to register as a felony firearm offender. The new violation is a gross misdemeanor.

  • Court impact - The JIS law table has been updated; a list of the law table changes can be found attached to the bottom of this answer.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Health Care Information-Disclosure

  • Bill #1679
  • Summary - Regarding the disclosure of health care information. Adds a new section to Chapter 70.02 RCW creating a new action that may be brought against an individual who has willfully released confidential information or records concerning him or her in violation of the provisions of this section. Any person may bring an action to enjoin the release of confidential information or records concerning him or her or his or her ward, in violation of the provisions of this section, and may in the same action seek damages as provided in this subsection.

    A new section is added to Chapter 70.02 RCW:  Any person who requests or obtains confidential information and records related to mental health services pursuant to this chapter under false pretenses is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
  • Court impact -CLJ courts should use the Civil Cause Code OTH (Other) for filing an action under this act.
    • The JIS law table has been updated; a list of the law table changes can be found attached to the bottom of this answer.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Commercial Motor Vehicles -Federal Regulations

  • Bill #1752
  • Summary - This bill amends RCW 46.61.667 - Cell Phone Use While Driving and RCW 46.61.668 -Text Messaging While Driving to state that if a person is driving a commercial motor vehicle and violates one of these two laws, it will become part of their driving record.
  • Court impact - Two new JIS law table entries will be added:
    • RCW 46.61.667.1B - Cell Phone Use While Driving - Commercial Vehicle and RCW 46.61.668.1B - Text Messaging While Driving - Commercial Vehicle.  Both of the RCWs will have the eDisposition Flag to "Y" so all eTickets with these violations will be sent to the Department of Licensing (DOL) upon entry of a "Guilty-type" disposition in JIS.
    • Courts should submit dispositions on all paper tickets that contain these two new Commercial Vehicle related violations to DOL as well. 
  • Court Knowledge- The non-commercial vehicle versions of the law have been changed from RCW 46.61.667 and RCW 46.61.668 to RCW 46.67.667.1A and RCW 46.61.668.1A. 
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Vapor Tobacco Products

  • Bill #1937
  • Summary - Prohibiting a person from selling or giving a vapor product designed solely for smoking or ingesting tobacco to a minor. This bill amends RCW 26.28.080 to make it illegal to sell to a minor tobacco vapor products, the same as regular tobacco products.
  • Court awareness - The existing law table entries will cover both regular and vapor tobacco products, no changes will be made.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Vehicle License Plates-Registration-Fraud

  • Bill #1944
  • Summary - Addressing vehicle license plate and registration fraud. This bill adds a new section to Chapter 46.37 RCW making it a gross misdemeanor for any person to switch or flip license plates on a vehicle physically, utilize technology to flip or change the appearance of a license plate on a vehicle, sell a license plate flipping device or technology that will change the appearance of a license plate, or falsify a vehicle registration.

    A vehicle that is found with an installed license plate flipping device or technology to change the appearance of a license plate may be impounded by a law enforcement officer as evidence.
  • Court awareness - There are specific fines for violations of this new law:
    • For a first offense the fine is one thousand dollars, $1,000.
    • For a second offense the fine is two thousand five hundred dollars, $2,500.
    • Third and subsequent offenses have a fine of five thousand dollars, $5,000.
    • The JIS law table has been updated; a list of the law table changes can be found attached to the bottom of this answer.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Judicial Stabilization Trust Account

  • Bill #1961
  • Summary - This bill amends RCWs 3.62.060, 36.18.018, and 36.18.020 to change the sunset date of the JST fee from July 1, 2013 to July 11, 2017.
  • Court awareness - There are no changes in JIS due to the passing of this bill.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Crimes-Riot/Criminal Mischief

  • Bill #5021
  • Summary - This bill amends the existing Gross Misdemeanor of "Riot" to change the title to "Criminal Mischief" and amends existing Class C Felony of "Riot While Armed with a Deadly Weapon" to change the title to "Criminal Mischief with a Deadly Weapon." The bill also changes the titles of both laws in the Juvenile Description and Offense Category list.
  • Court impact - The JIS law table has been updated; a list of the law table changes can be found attached to the bottom of this answer.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Crimes-Vehicle Prowling

  • Bill #5053
  • Summary - Modifying vehicle prowling provisions. Third or subsequent charges are now a Class C Felony instead of a Gross Misdemeanor. Multiple counts of vehicle prowling charged in the same charging document or based on the same date of occurrence do not count as separate offenses for the purposes of charging as a felony.
  • Court impact - The JIS law table has been updated; a list of the law table changes can be found attached to the bottom of this answer.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Proof of Required Documents - Electronic Formats

  • Bill #5095
  • Summary - Chapter 46.30.020 RCW is amended to allow electronic copies of proof of financial responsibility for motor vehicle operation to be accepted by law enforcement officers when proof is requested.

    Chapter 46.16A.180 was amended to allow for electronic copies of a vehicle registration certificate to be provided to law enforcement and the Department of Licensing upon demand.
  • Court awareness - The bill does not require courts to accept electronic versions of either financial responsibility or vehicle registration documents. 
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Social Network Information-Employer Liability

  • Bill # 5211
  • Summary - This bill adds new sections to Chapter 49.44 RCW making it unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, or the state of Washington, its political subdivisions, or municipal corporations to require, directly or indirectly, as a condition of employment or continued employment, that any employee or prospective employee submit any password or other related account information in order to gain access to the employee's or prospective employee's personal account or profile on a social networking web site or to demand access in any manner to an employee's or prospective employee's personal account or profile on a social networking web site. A civil action may be filed for violation of the new section.
  • Court impact - CLJ courts should use the Civil Cause Code OTH (Other) for filing an action under this act.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Boating Safety

  • Bill #5437
  • Summary - RCW 79A.60.040 is amended to make the misdemeanor of "Operating a Vessel While Under the Influence of Alcohol and/or Drugs" include having a THC concentration of 5.00 or higher, or with a combination of alcohol, marijuana, or any other drug.

    A new section is added to Chapter 79A.60 RCW to make refusing to submit to a test or tests of alcohol or THC concentration or the presence of any drug in the person's blood or breath a class 1 civil infraction under RCW 7.80.120.  RCW 7.80.120 is also amended to set the maximum penalty of the new infraction at $1,000.
  • Court awareness -The JIS law table has been updated; a list of the law table changes can be found attached to the bottom of this answer.
  • Court impact - A new field has been added to the Plea/Sentence Screen in JIS to document the concentration of THC in a person's blood when tested. The Plea/Sentence manual and the Plea/Sentence Codes manual have been updated.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Criminal History Records-Compliance Audits

  • Bill #5466
  • Summary - Modifying criminal history record information compliance audit provisions. This bill amends RCW 10.98.100 to change the previous requirement for WSP's Criminal History section staff to do the compliance audits on cases with outstanding dispositions "for more than nine months" to cases where the dispositions have been outstanding "for one year or longer since the date of arrest." Each open arrest shall be researched for a final disposition by [WSP] section staff or the criminal justice agency shall be furnished a list of outstanding disposition reports for criminal history record information of persons who were arrested or against whom charges were filed by that agency. Each criminal justice agency shall provide the section with a current disposition report or status within sixty days of receipt of notification of open arrest.
  • Court awareness - There currently are no JIS impacts as part of implementing this bill.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Crimes-Assault During Court Proceedings

  • Bill #5484
  • Summary - This bill amends RCW 9A.36.031 to add that when a person is assaulted while located in any area of a building that is used in connection with court proceedings, including courtrooms, jury rooms, judge's chambers, offices, and areas used to conduct court business, waiting areas, and corridors adjacent to areas used in connection with court proceedings, the person charged shall be cited with Assault 3rd degree, which is a Class C Felony.

    The areas covered by this bill also include common areas of ingress and egress to the building that is used in connection with court proceedings, and where a building, or part of a building, is used at certain times for judicial purposes and at other times for other governmental purposes. The charge of Assault 3rd degree shall only be cited when the underlying assault occurred during the times when the space is being used for judicial purposes. Additionally the charge of Assault 3rd degree can only be cited if the fact that there are possible enhanced penalties (citing of a charge of Assault 3rd degree) is on a sign that is prominently displayed at the public entrance to any courtroom.

    RCW 9.94A.535 is amended to allow the court to impose a sentence above the standard range for Assault 3rd that occurs in any area of a building that is used in connection with court proceedings.
  • Court impact - AOC has created two versions of signage for the courts to choose from, they are posted online on the public web site's Resources, Publications, and Reports page. See also eService Answer ID: "Assault in the Courthouse" Sign for ESHB 5484 - 2013 Legislation.
    • The JIS law table has been updated; a list of the law table changes can be found attached to the bottom of this answer.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Crimes-Sex Trafficking-Internet Advertisements

  • Bill # 5488
  • Summary -Establishing an enhanced penalty for the use of an Internet advertisement to facilitate the commission of a sex-trafficking crime. This bill adds a new section to Chapter 9.68A RCW to add additional penalties that shall be assessed in addition to all other fees, when a person convicted of an offense under RCW 9.68A.100, 9.68A.101, or 9.68A.102 and the court finds that an Internet advertisement that described or depicted the victim of the crime. The additional penalties shall be imposed in the amount of five thousand dollars per offense. The amounts collected as penalties under this section shall be deposited in the account established under RCW 43.63A.740 (The prostitution prevention and intervention account).
  • Court impact -A new Cost Fee Code PPC - CLJ Prostitution Intervention Fee has been added to document these specific fees on the Create A/R (CAR) screen.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Competency to Stand Trial Evaluations

  • Bill #   5551
  • Summary - This bill adds a new section to Chapter 10.77 RCW to stating if, at the time of a referral for an evaluation of competency to stand trial in a jail for an in-custody defendant, the department has not met its performance target for timely completion of competency evaluations under RCW 10.77.068(1)(a)(ii) during the most recent quarter in fifty percent of cases submitted by the referring county, as documented in the most recent quarterly report under RCW 10.77.068(3) or confirmed by records maintained by the department, the state shall reimburse the county for the cost of appointing a qualified expert or professional person under RCW 10.77.060(1)(a) as provided in this section.
  • Court awareness - The county shall provide a copy of the evaluation report to the applicable state hospital upon referral of the defendant for admission to the state hospital. The county shall maintain data on the timeliness of competency evaluations completed under this section.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Aquatic Invasive Species

  • Bill #5702
  • Summary - Bringing a recreational or commercial watercraft that has been used outside of the State of Washington into Washington waters without documentation showing that it is free of aquatic invasive species is a new infraction.
  • Court awareness -The JIS law table has been updated; a list of the law table changes can be found attached to the bottom of this answer.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Courts-Specialty and Therapeutic

  • Bill #5797
  • Summary - The Legislature encourages the Supreme Court to adopt any administrative orders and court rules of practice and procedures necessary to support the establishment of effective specialty courts.

    Any jurisdiction establishing a specialty court shall endeavor to incorporate the treatment court principles of best practices as recognized by state and national treatment court agencies and organizations in structuring a particular program.
  • Court awareness - There currently are no JIS impacts as part of implementing this bill.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Electronic Vehicle Charging Spaces

  • Bill #5849
  • Summary - A new section is added to Chapter 46.08 RCW making it a parking infraction for anyone to park in a space that is properly marked as an electric vehicle charging space.  The fine for the new parking infraction is $124.
  • Court impact - Courts will need to add the new parking law to their Local Law Table and their Parking Violation Code Table in JIS.
  • Effective: 7/28/2013

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Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Drugs

  • Bill #5912
  • Summary - When any person charged with or arrested for a violation of RCW 46.61.502, 46.61.504, 46.61.520, or 46.61.522, in which the person has a prior offense as defined in RCW 46.61.5055 and the current offense involves alcohol, is released from custody before arraignment or trial on bail or personal recognizance, the court authorizing the release shall require, as a condition of release, that person to (a) have a functioning ignition interlock device installed on all motor vehicles operated by the person, with proof of installation filed with the court by the person or the certified interlock provider within five business days of the date of release from custody or as soon thereafter as determined by the court based on availability within the jurisdiction; or (b) comply with 24/7 sobriety program monitoring, as defined in section 26 of this act; or both. The court shall authorize removal of the ignition interlock upon dismissal or acquittal of the charges.

    Multiple RCWs were amended by this bill to clarify that courts "shall not defer sentence for an offense sentenced under RCW 46.61.5055."

    RCW 46.25.110 was amended to state that a person shall not drive, operate, or be in physical control of a commercial motor vehicle while having alcohol "or THC" in his or her blood.

    RCW 46.61.5055 is amended to include the following:
    • Courts can order the defendant to attend a 24/7 sobriety program if available in the city or county.
    • The court shall also order an expanded alcohol assessment and treatment if deemed appropriate by the initial assessment completed.
    • All penalties imposed for violations of RCW 46.61.502 or 46.61.504 committed while there is a passenger in the vehicle under the age of 16 are specifically defined as being "in addition to" the standard penalties.
  • The definition of a "prior offense" is amended to include deferred sentences imposed in a prosecution for a violation of RCW 46.61.5249, 46.61.500, or 9A.36.050, or an equivalent local ordinance, if the charge under which the deferred sentence was imposed was originally filed as a violation of RCW 46.61.502 or 46.61.504, or an equivalent local ordinance, or a violation of RCW 46.61.520 or 46.61.522.

    RCW 46.61.5249 is amended to add "marijuana or any drug" to the definition of being guilty of negligent driving in the first degree.

    A new section is added to Chapter 36.28S RCW to create the 24/7 sobriety program. The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs will create pilot 24/7 sobriety programs. When the 24/7 sobriety program is in place, the courts can condition pre-trial release or bond upon participation in a 24/7 sobriety program and payment of associated costs and fees, if available. Courts shall not waive or reduce fees or associated costs charged for participation in the 24/7 sobriety program. A participant who violates the terms of participation in the 24/7 sobriety program or does not pay the required fees or associated costs shall:

    (a) Receive a written warning notice for a first violation;

    (b) Serve a term of two days imprisonment for a second violation;

    (c) Serve a term of up to five days imprisonment for a third violation;

    (d) Serve a term of up to ten days imprisonment for a fourth violation; and

    (e) For a fifth violation, the participant shall serve the entire remaining sentence imposed by the court.

    A sheriff or chief, or the designee of a sheriff or chief, who has probable cause to believe that a participant has violated the terms of participation in the 24/7 sobriety program or has not paid the required fees or associated costs shall immediately take the participant into custody and cause him or her to be held until an appearance before a judge on the next judicial day.
  • Court impact - Existing Case Condition Codes DU1, DU2, DU3, and DUA have been updated to amend the language that appears in the docket when the codes are used. 
  • A new field has been added to the Plea/Sentence Screen in JIS to document the concentration of THC in a person's blood when tested.
  • Courts no longer need to use the "C" punch  on a person's valid driver's license or permit upon conviction of a DUI.  RCW 46.20.270 was amended to remove that requirement.
  • The Misdemeanor DUI Sentencing Attachment is available for use along with the Sentencing Grid on the courts Current DUI Sentencing Grid web page. The four documents on the DUI Sentencing Grid page contain legislative changes that became effective on August 1, 2012.
    • Washington Pattern Forms Committee has updated the documents with changes required by Laws of 2013, 2d Spec. Sess., ch. 35, relating to Driving Under the Influence.
  • Effective: 9/28/2013, except sections 27, 28, and 30 through 32 which are effective 1/1/2014

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RN id: 2318