What can be seen on the CFHS - Disbursement Detail report?

The CFHS - Disbursement Detail lists all account disbursements for a specified obligor or case.  The Accounts Payable type, amount ordered, and detail for the specified obligor for each case listed. The CFHS - Disbursement Detail report is available in the Drill Reports under the Accounting folder in BIT. (Image 1)

Image 1


To run the report, double-click on the report title.  When the report opens, it prompts for the entry of information in to run the report.  The prompts include a mandatory entry item and a few optional entry items. (Image 2)

Required data prompt:

  • Court Code

Optional data prompts:

  • Case Number
  • Obligor Name Code
  • Person Token
  • Case Token

Image 2


When the report displays it includes the following data:

  • Disburse Date 
  • Payee Recipient Name 
  • Check Number
  • Reference Number
  • Check Status
  • Payment Amount
  • Accounts Payable (A/P) Type
  • Journal Voucher (JVO) Type
  • Consolidated Check Flag*
  • Disbursement Message

*The Consolidated Check Flag column will be blank unless the payable was consolidated prior to issuing the check in JIS, then a Y will appear.

The total disbursed for the case is also listed, just above the title lines of the report.

The report items will display, sectioned by Case Number.  Data for each Case Number will be sorted by Reference Number. 

Note:  Related transactions are grouped by Reference Number so checks that are voided will display with the original check automatically.  The voided check line will display the date the check was voided, rather than the date it was issued.  This is a feature not currently available in the JIS Case Financial History - Disbursement Details screen.  A message will appear on the top of the report if there are voided checks within the search results.

Additional Report Filter drill options will be available on the report to limit the results to a Case Number Formatted and/or Obligor Name.  These filters are selectable by drop down and only have values that were returned in the result set. (Image 3) Click on the drop-down arrow next to the Case Number or Obligor Name, filter to select the items you would like to see in the report.

Image 3


Both the Case Number and Obligor Name will be listed as a hyperlink on the report.  Clicking on a hyperlink will run another report to display details about that case or person's obligations.  Click the name to run the Obligor Detail report.  Click the case number to see the Obligation Detail report.  View the related eService Answers BIT Report Obligor Detail and BIT Report Obligation Detail for the details of what will appear on those reports.

 RN id: 2305