What are the steps to delete a Truancy case that is attached to a JIS person record?

It is important to remember that a truancy case initiated in JIS and managed in SCOMIS will also have associated referrals and may have detention episodes in JCS.  Juvenile departments manage the referrals and episodes. It is suggested that county clerk staff confer with their respective juvenile departments when working through these reports.  If a case is found eligible for deletion, the associated referral should also be deleted.

It is recommended that any referrals or episodes associated to a case be destroyed before deleting the JIS case. Once the case is deleted, it will be difficult to identify the associated referrals or episodes. Use the Superior Court Case Referral (SCCR) command in JIS to obtain the referral and/or episode number(s).

Once you have confirmed that the juvenile is 18 or older and has no other JIS case history (including any linked aliases), and the case has no outstanding JIS accounts receivable, the case is eligible for deletion.


  1. Confirm eligibility.
  2. Determine the referral and/or episode number(s) associated to a truancy case filed in superior court.
  3. Destroy the truancy referral/episode in JIS (action completed by the juvenile department).
  4. Expunge the truancy case in SCOMIS.
  5. Delete the truancy case in JIS.

    Juvenile Department Action


  1. Print a Referral History and Detention History Report to assist in the destruction process.
  2. Close the applicable referral and/or episode in JCS.  Use Case Not Filed (CSN), Case Resolved (CSR), or Caseload Completed (CLC).
  3. Destroy the appropriate juvenile accounts on the Destroy Record screen (DST).  This removes the link between a person and a referral or detention episode.  In addition, the name on the referral or detention episode is changed to Destroyed and the name code of the person is changed to a code beginning with DE.  The name codes for all other participants in the referral are changed to a code beginning with DP (destroyed person).


  1. Display the Destroy Records (DST) screen for the juvenile by typing DST in the Command field and include either (a) a personal identifier in the StID fields, or (b) a referral or detention episode number and participant code in the Nmbr and Pty fields.
  2. Type S in the Option field to destroy only selected records and then select each record by typing X in the Selection (S) field.
  3. Press <ENTER>.
    Result:  Each record is evaluated for destruction eligibility (age of person is not considered).
  4. Press <F10> to confirm destruction.

    Result:  The link between the juvenile action(s) in a court and the juvenile is destroyed.

County Clerk Action


  1. On the COMMAND screen, type:
  4. CASE XX X XXXXX X (Case #) - OR -NON-SCOMIS #? (Pre-SCOMIS Case #)
  5. Press ENTER.

    Result: The EXPUNGE CASE screen displays the following message at the bottom of the screen: CHANGE TITLE TO SHOW REASON FOR EXPUNGEMENT


  1. Display the Civil Case Delete screen using the CIVD command and the case number.
  2. Make sure that the right case is displayed. You can use <F7> and <F8> to see all the parties.
  3. Press <ENTER>to start the delete.
  4. Press <F9> to confirm the delete.

See also:


RN id: 2289