What can be seen on the Interest Accrual (SC) report?

The Interest Accrual (SC) report, is used as a tool to report the amount of interest accrual added to a criminal (S1), an eligible juvenile offender (S8) and eligible Juvenile Diversion (SD) AR as a result of the monthly interest calculation program.  It is a summary report that shows the total interest accrual for each AR Type and the total interest accrual for the court based on the date range used when running the report. The "Accrued Interest" is the amount retrieved after the JIS processing and does not include write-offs, adjustments, etc.  

NOTE:  Interest is only in the data warehouse beginning January 1, 2012.  Also, interest amounts will only store in the data warehouse one year at a time. (i.e., Interest recorded January 1, 2012, will be deleted January 1, 2014.)

The Interest Accrual (SC) report is available in the Accounting folder in BIT. (Image 1)

Image 1 


To run the report, double-click on the one titled Interest Accrual (SC). When the report opens it prompts for the entry of information to run the report. The prompts include mandatory entry items and optional entry items. (Image 2)

Required data prompts:

  • Court
  • (Interest Accrual) Begin Date
  • (Interest Accrual) End Date

Optional data prompts: 

  • AR Type Code(s)

Image 2


When the report displays, the data will be sorted in one of two formats depending on the tab that is being viewed. (Image 3) The sort options are by:

1. AR Type
2. Case Number

Image 3


When the By AR Type tab is selected, the following data displays in a pivot table:


  • AR Type Code(s) (INT, RJI, and RTI) - First Table
  • Cost Fee Code(s) (All other Cost Fee Codes) - Second Table


  • Total Interest Amount for Criminal cases (01 - Criminal)
  • Total Interest Amount for Juvenile cases (08 - Juvenile)
  • Total Interest Amount for Diversion cases (SD - Diversion)
  • Total Interest Amount for all case types (Sum)

The AR Type items will be listed as a hyperlink on the By AR Type tab. Clicking on a hyperlink will run another report to display details about that AR Type. If an AR Type Code or Cost Fee Code is selected, then the AR Type Detail report will run. View the related eService Answer BIT Report AR Type Detail for the details of what will appear on that report.

NOTE:  The amounts in the First Table will only display amounts stored in the mainframe.  The amounts in the bottom table show the amounts calculated in Data Warehouse and may be slightly different due to rounding rules in the program.


When the By Case Number tab is selected, the following data displays in a regular table:

  • Restitution Joint and Several Flag (RJN)*
  • Case Number Formatted
  • Obligor Name
  • AR Type Code
  • Accrued Interest Amount [per AR Type Code]

*The RJN column will be blank unless an account is marked as Joint and Several in JIS, then a Y will appear

The Case Numbers and Obligor Names will be listed as hyperlinks on the By Case Number tab.  Clicking on the Case Number will run the Obligation Detail drill-down report. Clicking on the Obligor hyperlink will run the Obligor Detail drill-down report.

This report can be run in addition to the existing superior court mainframe report, Monthly Interest Accrual Report. The differences in the reports are defined below:

Mainframe Report

BIT Report

The Monthly Interest Accrual report only displays the AR Type Codes with interest and the total interest accrued for the court.The Interest Accrual (SC) report displays what is on the Monthly Interest Accrual report plus provides the ability to see cases that have interest as well as amounts accrued by Case Number on the By Case Number tab. 

To export the entire report, with the two different versions of data, use the "Export" option. BIT then allows saving any or all of the reports as PD or Excel.

RN id: 2278