Should the court add the vehicle owner information from parking or vehicle violations into the JIS Parking sub-system?

Courts should only add vehicle owner information on a vehicle related case AFTER the DOL search has been done.  Adding the owner information prior to the Automated Parking and Delinquency and Collections Cycle can cause errors and can prevent the process from running properly.  Some errors may require AOC to make database changes in order to allow the delinquency process to complete and the cycle for that vehicle owner will be halted until the changes can be implemented.

Vehicle owner information should only be added to the Parking Vehicle Owner Maintenance (PVM) screen for out-of-state licenses or when the court receives notice of a sale of a vehicle after the delinquent notice has been issued.

If the vehicle owner information is needed prior to the regular delinquent notice process, use the Parking Special Request (PSR) screen to manually request the DOL Owner record.  Courts are also reminded to review the Parking DOL Name And Address Load Exception report for errors related to the DOL update requests.

Note: The court should never set the New Owner flag on the PVM screen to "Y" when updating an owner's address as it will create a "New Owner" record which can also cause errors due to having a duplicate record.


RN id: 2255