Why can't I see the results of my BIT query?

BIT report access is associated with the person's authority in JIS.  In order to see BIT report results, the user must have a RACF ID associated with an Official (OFO) record on the Authorization Modify Screen (ATH) in JIS. 

To correct this issue:

1. Access the person's Official (OFO) record.  If the record's Name Code is not known, use the Command OOD (Official and Organization Record Search), the person's name, and the Person Type Code (i.e., AM, AC, CL) in the "NmCd" field to complete a search.

2. Go to the ATH screen with the OFO Record Code in the "NmCd" field.

3. <Newline> down to the RACF ID field and add the person's RACF ID and then press <ENTER>.

4. Wait 24 hours.  The security change will need to be uploaded into the Data Warehouse in the overnight process before BIT will begin showing report results for that user.

RN id: 2231