Can I access the non-secured wireless internet when I'm at AOC, SeaTac, COA, or the Temple of Justice?

Non-secure, wireless internet access can be set up for users if they are located at the AOC, the AOC SeaTac offices, the Court of Appeal offices, or the Temple of Justice by following the instructions available using the links below:

Instructions for connecting via Window's Vista

Instructions for connecting via Lenovo's 'Access Connections'

AOCXMEETING wireless instructions for Apple Ipad's

Additional Information:

  • Login credentials for this access are updated monthly. The current credentials can be found on Inside Courts > Court Resources > Court Management - Wireless Internet Access at AOC, COA, SeaTac, and Temple of Justice sites
  • Not all users are granted access to this page by default - they must belong to an AOC, COA, or Supreme Court RACF group to have access to the credential information.
  • Access is limited to 25 concurrent users.
  • Court or AOC users that need to connect to the secure network, should use VPN access.

If you have any questions or problems, please submit an incident using the eService Center's "Ask a Question" option, Topic 6 - Website Problems and Requests.

RN id: 2220