How do the courts process the Discover Pass violations?

There are two violations:

1. Operating Without Displaying the Pass [RCW 79A.80.080.1A* - Op Veh on Rec Site/Land-No Pass] - Non-traffic (IN) infractions law that was added to the statewide law table.

  • Person-based infraction (IN)
  • Total penalty $203 (includes Public Safety and Education Assessments under RCW 3.62.090)
  • The penalty may be reduced to $121 (includes assessments) if a pass is purchased within 15 days of the violation and provided to the court.

2. Parking Without Displaying the Pass [RCW 79A.80.080.1B*] - Parking Infraction that will need to be added to the court's local law table using the Fine/Penalty Schedule Update (FPSU) screen.  

  • Vehicle-based infraction (PR)
  • Total penalty $99 (no assessments on parking)
  • The penalty may be reduced to $59 if a pass is purchased within 15 days of the violation and provided to the court. 

Bill 1293 of the laws of 2020 modifies Discover Pass monetary penalty fee distribution process by requiring 25% of discover pass penalty fees collected to be retained by the county. Requires the county treasurer (1) to remit 75% of money received from discover pass penalty fees to the state treasurer for deposit in the Recreation Access Pass Account and, (2) to deposit the balance of the non-interest money received from discover pass penalty fees in the county current expense fund. A new BARS Code will be added for use with all Discover Pass infractions to include the new splits.  The recommended FPSU entries are as follows:

FPSU entries for the parking violations, effective June 11, 2020:

  • Title: Parking Without Displaying the Pass
  • Law Number: 79A.80.080.1B
  • Case Type: PR
  • Caseload Case Type: IP
  • All flags are set to: No (N).
  • Delinquent amount: Is set by local code and cannot exceed $25, per RCW 46.63.110(4).
  • Penalty amount set by statute: $99
  • Recommended BARS Code: 386.89.21
  • Effective Date: 6/11/2020
  • Thru Date: Blank

The Previous FPSU parking entry for Discover Pass was effective June 7, 2012 through June 10, 2020:

  • Title: Parking Without Displaying the Pass
  • Law Number: 79A.80.080.1B
  • Case Type: PR
  • Caseload Case Type: IP
  • All flags are set to: No (N).
  • Delinquent amount: Is set by local code.
  • Penalty amount set by statute: $99
  • Recommended BARS Code 386.89.18
  • Effective Date: 6/7/2012
  • Thru Date:  6/11/2020

Per RCW 79A.80.080, discover pass violations are processed as natural resource infractions under Chap. 7.84 RCW. RCW 7.84.040, Jurisdiction of court Venue, states that Infraction proceedings shall be brought in the district court district in which the infraction occurred. Therefore, municipal courts do not have jurisdiction over discover pass infractions.

Please note that this is not a formal legal opinion. It is intended to be a source of information rather than legal advice. The official legal advisor for courts of limited jurisdiction is either the city attorney's office or the county prosecutor's office. It is also advisable to consult with the appropriate judge.

RN id: 2218