What are the code and system changes for the 2011 Bill ESSHB 1267 - Domestic Partnership/Parentage?

The Domestic Partnership/Parentage bill, E2SHB 1267, required a number of changes to be made to existing codes used in JIS and SCOMIS.  It also required the addition of a new SCOMIS Docket Code.  These changes are defined below:

SCOMIS Code Changes

Case Type 5 Adoption/Paternity was changed to read Adoption/Parentage.

Cause Code PAT Paternity/Parenting Cause Code was changed to read "Parentage - Parental Determination."

Cause Code PUR Paternity (URESA/UIFSA) Cause Code was changed to read "Parentage/URESA."

Docket Code JDORDP  Judgment and Order on Petition to Disestablish Paternity Based on Presumption and Granting Other Relief was changed to read "Judgment and Order on Petition to Disestablish Parentage Based on Presumption of Granting Other Relief."

Docket Code PTDP - Petition to Disestablish Paternity Based on Presumption was changed to read "Petition to Disestablish Parentage Based on Presumption."

JRS Code Changes

Transaction Code 1240 - Fee Attorney's Fees Adoption/Paternity was changed to read "Fee Attorney's Fees Adoption/Parentage."

JIS Code Changes

BARS Code 341.95.01 - Attorney's Fees/Paternity was changed to read "Attorney's Fees/Parentage."


Docket Code:   OAPP2Y - Order regarding Residential Schedule/Parenting Plan within Two Years of Entry of Parentage Judgment.


RN id: 2215