How should an eTicket issued by an officer on a motorcycle be printed so the entire image is viewable using regular printer paper?

Officers that issue eTickets using SECTOR while on motorcycles cannot use printers that print on 8 1/2 x 11 sized paper.  Instead they have special printers that print the eTickets out on 4 1/2 x 18 inch paper.

The officer's ticket image is saved at the 4 1/2 x 18 inch size when it is sent to the courts, so reprinting the Violator's Copy from either ETP Reports or from JABS can be problematic.  Here are some suggestions to get a printed Violator Copy of an eTicket issued by an officer on a motorcycle:

1)  Open the image using Adobe Professional.  This program will allow you to manipulate the PDF size when choosing your print options, allowing the image to be printed on regular printer paper.

2)  Ask the officer to print a copy by signing into the Washington State Patrol's (WSP) Back-office and print a copy using the printer that they use on their motorcycle.

3) Set the image to print on 8 1/2 x 14 size paper.  This results in most of the copy printing, missing only the "Defendant's Instructions" portion of the citation.  If the "Defendant's Instructions" portion is needed, attach a copy of the back side of a paper ticket to provide to the defendant.

4) Save the image as a .JPEG or .TIF image file.  You can select these types of images to print on 8 1/2 x 14 size paper and select the "Fit to Page" option.  This will result in the entire image appearing on the page, though the print will be small.  (HINT:  You can use a photocopier to enlarge the image once it's been printed.)

These options are only necessary to print a Violator's Copy of an eTicket that has been marked as "Served at the time of the stop" by the officer.  When an officer marks the eTicket as "To be mailed by the court" the image is automatically resized to the 8 1/2 x 11 image that is seen on other eTickets, prior to it being sent to ETP. 

For more information on printing reports or eTickets using ETP, please review the online manual Electronic Ticket Process.

RN id: 2199