How does the court enter a judge's recommendation against the re-suspension of a defendant's driver's license so that it will get sent automatically to the Department of Licensing on eTickets?

When an order is entered on Driving While License Suspended/Revoked 1st degree or 2nd degree with a judge's recommendation against resuspension, there is a Case Condition Code of RAR that is available for sure on the Plea/Sentence (PLS) screen in JIS.  This code simply documents the recommendation on manually issued citations.  The recommendation must be submitted manually to the Department of Licensing (DOL) on the Abstract of Judgment documentation.

On citations created and processed electronically, this recommendation can be transmitted electronically to DOL if the RAR code is entered (in the Conditions of Sentence section of the PLS screen) on the same day as the Finding and Judgment information above. 







WARNING:  If the RAR code is not entered into the Conditions of Sentence section of the PLS screen the same day as the Finding and Judgment information, the recommendation will NOT be sent to DOL.  Adding the RAR code after the disposition has been submitted to DOL will not trigger a new electronic transmission to DOL.

However, if the RAR code is added AND the Finding and Judgment data is corrected, the recommendation will be sent electronically with the electronic replacement record.

For more information on what data is submitted electronically to DOL, please see the DOL Disposition Transfer Information section of the Electronic Ticket Processing (ETP) Manual.

RN id: 2196