How is the Order Terminating Diversion Agreement (ORTDA) entered in SCOMIS when there is no SCOMIS case?

When a judicial officer signs the Order on Termination of Diversion Agreement (ORTDA) there may not be a SCOMIS case filed.  The diversion agreement would be managed through the referral in JCS.

At such time as the Order on Termination of Diversion Agreement is signed, the juvenile department should forward the order and referral information to the county clerk's office.  If there is no charging information from the prosecutor, the clerk will create a SCOMIS case using a non-charge RCW and will be able to docket the ORTDA. 

Once the charging information is received from the prosecutor, the clerk will update the SCOMIS Charge Screen with the appropriate RCW(s).

Important Note:  The ORTDA docket code is connected to the case management status.  It is important to create a SCOMIS case so that the ORTDA docket entry can be made.  ORTDA removes the diversion from the Diversion Section of JCS.

See the Case Management Status Codes > Return from Diversion section of the SCOMIS Code Manual for additional information.

RN id: 2194