What is the proper protocol for changing court hours?

There does not appear to be a requirement to report to AOC when the hours of operation for the clerk's office are reduced.  The only requirement to report to AOC is when a court is being closed under GR 21 for emergency situations.

While an administrative order might be considered, it might be better if the court were to adopt a local court rule that covers this type of situation.  If the court has an existing local rule that sets the hours, then an emergency amendment would be in order to set the new hours of operation. GR 7 governs that process.  Please see GR7, the rule on adopting local court rule changes.

Here is the link:  GR7 Link

The advantage of the local court rule is that it has wider circulation than a court order and therefore more likely to be seen by a member of the public.

The local court administrator could offer the judge the alternative of a local court rule in addition to an administrative order when the issue of shortened work hours is discussed.

RN id: 2192