When the inside.courts.wa.gov Web site is not available, how can AOC staff or the courts access the web applications needed to do their work?

Most of the web applications supported by the AOC are accessed through the inside.courts.wa.gov Web site.  When the Web site is unavailable, the applications themselves are still available for use if you have the URL.

The following list of available URLs should be sent to all AOC staff and to the court communities via the appropriate ListServ e-mails whenever there is a problem with the Web site.

Applications URL

ListServs to Notify



 Appellate courts.
BOXI https://bitprod.courts.wa.gov/BOE/BI All court levels, administrators and site coordinators.
All court levels
eService Center https://customerservices.courts.wa.gov/a/dashboard/default Include in all

e-mails to all court levels.


Note:  The "Print Reports or eTickets" option does not work when the inside.courts Web site is not working.  Use JABS to view and print eTickets, ticket attachments, and violator copies of eTickets.

ETP ListServ or include within one

e-mail to all CLJ administrator and site coordinators.
JABS http://jabs.courts.wa.gov/JabsWeb/pages/logon.jsp Superior court and CLJs; clerks, administrators, and site coordinators
JABS-Link (Access JABS outside of a court connection.) https://jabslink.courts.wa.gov/JabsWeb/pages/logon.jsp Superior court and CLJs; clerks, administrators, and site coordinators


Note: The photo upload does not work in JCS when the inside.courts Web site is not working.

Juvenile court administrators and site coordinators

Also notify AOC staff that the following applications still function:


RN id: 2188