Why can't our court access the Print Reports or eTickets option in ETP on our new computers, even though staff are logged into the Inside Courts website?

Courts are purchasing new computers with operating systems that are not automatically compatible with the Electronic Ticket Processing (ETP) program's Print Reports or eTickets web tool.  When using the Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8 operating systems, there are additional settings that the court must make in order to access the Print Reports or eTickets option.

From the Internet Explorer browser window, on the Menu toolbar, locate and click Tools. Then, from the Tools menu, locate and click Internet Options to open the Internet Options pop-up window.

First, update the Privacy settings:

  • Select the Privacy tab.
  • On the Privacy tab, click the Advanced button to open the Advanced Privacy Settings pop-up window.
  • If unchecked, check the box next to Override automatic cookie handling.
  • Under First-Party Cookies, check Allow.
  • Under Third-Party Cookies, check Allow.
  • Click OK in the Advanced Privacy Settings window to save the settings and close the window.

Next, update the Security settings:

  • Select the Security tab.
  • Click on the icon for Trusted Sites.
  • Click on the button Sites to access the Trusted Sites pop-up window.
  • In the section "Add this website to the zone:" type in the following: URL https://etp.courts.wa.gov
  • NOTE: You may have to unselect the option "Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone" in order to enter the URL.

  • Click the Add button to add the URL to the list of Trusted Websites.
  • Click the Close button to close the Trusted Sites pop-up window.
  • Click the OK button to save the settings and close the Internet Options pop-up window.

Now log into the ETP application; the option to Print Reports or eTickets should be available and should work properly.

RN id: 2185