How can the courts or communities of interest find information on the AOC IT Governance request process and how it works?

The IT Governance process now has its own web application within the Inside Courts website. The IT Governance web application is located under the Governance topic in the left-hand navigational menu on Inside Courts.

Look under the "Show me the process" header on the home page to get specific instructions on using the IT Governance request process. Each item is a separate PDF document that contains detailed information about each step of the process.

Contact information for ISD and JSD staff for the IT Governance process and additional frequently asked questions about IT Governance are located under the title FAQ, within the Resources section on the main menu of the IT Governance website. The frequently asked questions (FAQ) PDF document is also attached to the bottom of this eService answer.

Courts receiving IT Governance questions from other communities of interest can direct them to contact AOC and provide them with the contact information located within the frequently asked questions.

RN id: 2178