How do we process the Petition for Order Appointing Title 13 RCW Guardian?

Any party to a dependency proceeding may ask the court to establish a guardianship by filing this petition.  The legislature's intent was to establish permanency for children in foster care through the appointment of a guardian and dismissal of the dependency.  A party files this petition in juvenile court as a separate cause of action.  This petition necessitates filing a new Juvenile Dependency (S7) case using the Cause Code GFC (Guardianship Foster Children).


Initiate the case filing in JIS:

CIVA + Case Number.
Case filing is S7 Dependency Case Type.

Enter GFC in the Cause Field.

Add the JIS Participants as indicated in the Petition for Order Approving Title 13 RCW Guardian:

  • Add the default Participants: DEP, PET.
  • Add the GDN.
  • Add others, as necessary: PAR, FHM.

(See Civil Case Filing (CIVA) Screen for additional information.)

Verify the case in SCOMIS.

Include a reference to the original Dependency (DEP) case in the NOTE field on the BASIC Screen.

Docket all pleadings on the Docket Screen.


Additional eService Answers that may be helpful:

See Answer- Resolve and complete a Foster Care Guardianship case.

See Answer- Substitute a guardian in a Foster Care Guardianship case.

See Answer- Guardianships for children in foster care - 2010 Legislation.

See Answer - 2010 Legislative changes impacting Superior Courts and Juvenile Departments.



RN id: 2171