How are fines allocated for vehicle registration violations under RCW 46.16A.030?

Fines imposed on registration violations must be allocated to the Washington State Vehicle License Fraud accounts according to RCW 46.16A.030. In addition, SSB 5632 (laws of 2019) created a Deferred Prosecution program for criminal violations of failing to register a vehicle, vessel or aircraft. The fine imposed must be used by the local county for enforcement and prosecution of registration requirements.

RCW 46.16A.030(4) - Failure to initially register a vehicle - Traffic Infraction

  • The fine increased to $529 plus assessments.
  • The $529 fine must be deposited into the Vehicle License Fraud account.
  • No part of the fine or assessments can be suspended or reduced.

RCW 46.16A.030(6)* - Washington resident licensing a vehicle in another state - Criminal Traffic

  • The violation is a gross misdemeanor.
  • All offenses are punishable with up to one year in jail.
  • Fine amounts for first and second offenses are now defined in the RCW.
  • First Offense:  $529 fine plus an additional $1,000 fine.
  • Second/Subsequent Offense:  $529 fine plus an additional $5,000 fine.
  • Both the $529 fine and the additional $1,000 or $5,000 fine are subject to the applicable assessments.
  • Both the $529 fine and the additional $1,000 or $5,000 fine amounts must be deposited into the Vehicle License Fraud account (Cost Fee Code VLF)
  • No part of the fine or assessments can be suspended.

RCW 46.09.495 - Failure to title or register an off-road vehicle (Effective October 1, 2021)

  • The first offense is a misdemeanor, punishable with up to 90 days in jail and up to a $1,00 fine. No additional vehicle license fraud penalties are required.
  • Second and subsequent offenses are gross misdemeanors, punishable with up to one year in jail and a $5,000 fine. 
  • Also, second and subsequent offenses are subject to a fine equal to four times the amount of avoided taxes and fees, which may not be suspended, unless the person is allowed to enter a local Deferred Program.
    • This additional fine must be deposited into the Vehicle Licenses Fraud account (Cost Fee Code VLF).

RCW 46.10.505 - Failure to Register a snowmobile (Effective October 1, 2021)

  • The first offense is a misdemeanor, punishable with up to 90 days in jail and up to a $1,00 fine. No additional vehicle license fraud penalties are required.
  • Second and subsequent offenses are gross misdemeanors, punishable with up to one year in jail and a $5,000 fine. 
  • Also, second and subsequent offenses are subject to a fine equal to four times the amount of avoided taxes and fees, which may not be suspended, unless the person is allowed to enter a local Deferred Program.
    • This additional fine must be deposited into the Vehicle License Fraud account (Cost Fee Code VLF).

Deferred Prosecution Program:

In order for a defendant to be eligible for the Deferred Prosecution program, a defendant must provide proof of completing the following within 90 days:

  • The $500 fine must be used by the local county for enforcement and prosecution of registration requirements. (Cost Fee Code VDP).
  • Have a valid Washington State Driver's license.
  • Register the vehicle, vessel or aircraft that was subject to the citation.
  • Since a "fine" is paid, cases granted the Deferral Program must be reported to DOL as a conviction. The convictions can be reported to DOL by using DIAS or JIS will transmit the information electronically for Criminal Traffic eTickets.

Note: While SHB 1322 of the 2021 Legislative Session defines that the second or subsequent offenses for violations of Failure to register an off-road vehicle or Failure to register a snowmobile cannot have their taxes and fees penalties waived except as provided by the Deferral Program, the law allowing the Deferral Program, RCW 10.05.180, was not amended to include these additional vehicles.  It will be up to local courts to determine if they will grant Deferred Program Petitions for these two types of violations.

If a user needs access to DOL's DIAS application, you must request the access by contacting DOL's Data Services department at 360-902-3708. 

RN id: 2160