What changes were made to RCW 13.40.190 during the 2010 legislative session that affect juvenile offender cases with restitution ordered?

SSB 6192 amended RCW 13.40.190 to allow the restitution portion of the dispositional order to be modified as to amount, terms, and conditions at any time during the court's jurisdiction on the case.  The jurisdiction maximum remains at ten years after the respondent's eighteenth birthday and may still be extended for an additional ten years for payment of restitution.

Language was added to RCW 13.40.190 that provides that the court's jurisdiction over restitution is terminated if the court grants the respondent's petition to vacate the order and findings, and to seal the court file pursuant to RCW 13.50.050(11).   However, the restitution must be paid in full and the respondent must have met the statutory criteria defined in RCW 13.50.050 in order for the termination petition to be granted.


RN id: 2158