How are the guardianships in SHB 2680 different than other guardianships?

SHB 2680 created a new chapter in Title 13 setting forth a process for the establishment, modification, and termination of guardianships for children in foster care.  Under this new chapter, any party to a dependency proceeding may request a guardianship be established for a child in foster care.  The original dependency proceeding is dismissed upon entry of a guardianship order.  Additionally, if a child in foster care has independent funds or other valuable property under the control of a guardian, the guardian must provide an annual written accounting to the court.

Because this is a specific type of guardianship program that can be requested by any party to a dependency proceeding, it was determined that the guardianship case should be entered as a Case Type 7 filing.  A new Cause Code was created for entering these cases.  Instructions and helpful information related to the new filing are detailed in this answer.  The JIS instructions for processing Title 13 Guardianships and process flow charts for dealing with Title 13 Guardianships are available at the bottom of this answer.

Begin processing a Guardianship for Foster Children case

  • Cause Code: GFC - Guardianship for Foster Children
  • Case Type: 7
  • Entered in JIS: Yes
  • Connection Codes: DEP, PAR, FHM, GDN, INV, PET

    • Note: A child 12 years of age and older is a party to the guardianship proceeding.

  • Auto-generates a JCS Referral: Yes

    • Referral Type Code: JD - Dependency
    • Referral Reason: 01860 - Guardianship Petition

Pattern forms and Docket Codes for use in GFC cases

Establishing a Title 13 RCW Guardianship - for a new Title 13 RCW guardianship or for converting an existing dependency guardianship into a Title 13 RCW guardianship:

  • JU 14.0100 - Petition for Order Appointing Title 13 Guardian (PTAPGD)
  • JU 14.0200 - Notice and Summons
  • JU 14.0230 - Order Appointing Guardian ad Litem
  • JU 14.0250 - Declaration of Proposed Guardian (DCLR)
  • JU 14.0270 - Statement of Parent's Agreement and Waiver of Presentation of Order Appointing Title 13 Guardian (WV)
  • JU 14.0300 - Findings and Conclusions re Petition for Order Appointing Title 13 RCW Guardian (FNFCL)
  • JU 14.0400 - Order on Petition for Order Appointing Title 13 RCW Guardian (ORAPGD)
  • JU 14.0410 - Letter of Guardianship (LTRGDN)
  • JU 14.0700 - Title 13 RCW Guardianship
  • JU 14.0720 - Order on Title 13 RCW Guardianship Annual Accounting

Modifying Visitation Provisions:

  • JU 14.0500 - Motion and Declaration for Order Modifying Visitation (MTAF)
  • JU 14.0520 - Notice of Hearing for Adequate Cause Determination (NTHG)
  • JU 14.0530 - Declaration (DCLR)
  • JU 14.0540 - Order re Adequate Cause/Order to Show Cause

    • Order to Show Cause Denied (ORRACD)
    • Order to Show Cause Granted (ORRACG)
    • Hearing Set (ORH)

  • JU 14.0560 - Order on Motion to Modify Visitation Provisions (ORVS)
  • JU 17.0570 - Judgment (JD)

Terminating the Guardianship:

  • JU 14.0600 - Petition for Termination of Title 13 RCW Guardianship (ORTG)
  • JU 14.0630 - Finding and Conclusions re Petition for Termination of Title 13 RCW Guardianship
  • JU 14.0650 - Order on Petition for Termination of Title 13 RCW Guardianship

Additional Information

  • Other Docket Codes used in conjunction with GFC cases:
    • MTAF - Motion and Declaration for Order Dismissing Dependency
    • ORDSM - Order Dismissing Dependency
  • Resolve and complete the GFC case once the Order Appointing Guardian is signed.
  • Dismiss the dependency proceeding upon entry of the DEP order, which is entered after the Order Appointing Guardian is signed.
  • JCS Dispositions Codes will be reviewed by the JCS Workgroup. Additional communication will be sent to the juvenile departments if additional codes are made available for use on these referrals.

RN id: 2157