When and how should ORDGNOW (Order of Guardianship Other Government) be used in SCOMIS?

On July 13, 2015, the Codes Committee voted to change the description of the SCOMIS docket code ORDGNOW to reflect new forms approved to be used in the transfer of guardianship cases to and from Washington state.  

The description for the Docket Code ORGDNOW now reads: Final Order Confirming Accepting/Transfer Guardianship Use Conn Cd TSC (long title). The short title is modified echo as Final Ord Accept/Trans Gdns-Use TSC. A process flowchart is attached to this answer as a reference for consistent and accurate data entry, tracking, and reporting in guardianship transfer cases.

The SCOMIS Docket Code

Substitute House Bill - SHB 1261 was enacted by the legislature in the 2009 legislative session and became effective on January 1, 2010. This legislation allows active guardianship cases to be transferred to Washington from a court in another state. Additionally, Washington courts can transfer a guardianship case to another state. Critical data elements are necessary to track guardianship cases. For transferred cases, it is important to capture the original jurisdiction of those cases transferred to Washington. When Washington guardianship cases are transferred, it is important to reflect the state that is receiving that case.

The SCOMIS Docket Code ORGDNOW (Order of Guardianship Other Government-State, Counties, Tribes) was created for tracking purposes. The description for ORGDNOW echos ORDGDNSP OTH GOV-USE CONN CD TSC. That echo description was designed to prompt the clerk to change the SCOMIS Names screen to add the Connection Code TSC (Transferring State/Country) and the name of the state/country in the Name fields.

RN id: 2137