SB 5277 added fees for the courts of limited jurisdiction to charge.  How are they to be receipted in JIS?

SB 5277 added a number of new fees to RCW 3.62.060.  However, no new Cost Fee codes were added to JIS for receipting these fees.  All fees that were added can be receipted using existing codes located in the JIS Online Manual - Cost Fee Codes

For the convenience of the courts, AOC Judicial Education unit has created the following table to define which of the new fees are now associated with the existing cost fee codes.

 Clerk Fee Definition

 Cost Fee Code

 Fee Amount

Certified document on file or of record in the clerk's office [per 3.62.060(f)]



Certified copy of an instrument on file or of record in the clerk's office [per 3.62.060( g )(i)]


 $5.00 page one

$1/additional page

Authenticating or exemplifying an instrument [per 3.62.060( g )(ii)]


 $2.00/additional seal

Preparing a copy of an instrument on file or of record in the clerk's office without a seal [per 3.62.060( g )(iii)]



Copying a document without a seal or file that is in electronic format [per 3.62.060( g )(iiii)]



Copies made to compact disc, additional fee [per 3.62.060( g )(iiii)]



Clerk's services [per 3.62.060( i )]


Up to $20/hour 

Duplication of part or all of the electronic recording of a proceeding [per 3.62.060( j )]



Receiving faxed documents pursuant to GR17 service fee [per 3.62.060( l )]


 $3 page one

$1/additional page

The cost fee code of CER can be used for receipting on the following screens:


The cost fee code of CTF can be used for receipting on the following screens:


The cost fee code of DDA can be used for receipting on the following screens:


This list is available in a printable version as an attachment at the bottom of this answer, along with a table of Civil Filing Fees.  

See Also:

Answer ID: - CLJ FAQs for 2009 Legislation.

 Answer ID: - The difference between a Certified Copy and Certifying an Instrument as described in RCW 3.62.060.

RN id: 2099