Where can I find answers to questions about Westlaw?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Westlaw are listed below, with links to the corresponding answers further down on this page. If you choose to print this answer, all of the FAQs will print. (To print the attachment at the bottom of this answer, open the attachment and use your normal print functions.)
1. How do I sign on to Westlaw?
2. Whom do I call for help?
3. Who is our Westlaw representative and how do I contact him/her?
4. What databases can I access using Westlaw?
5. Can I search a database that is not covered under the Westlaw agreement?
1. How do I sign on to Westlaw?
Step 1: Go to http://www.westlaw.com.
Result: A Sign On screen displays:
Step 2: Type your Westlaw password in the Westlaw Password box.
Step 3: Type a Client ID in the Client ID box. (This is a required field, but there is no specific entry required. Attorneys, judges, or others may wish to use this field to identify a client whose case is being researched during this sign-on session, in order to provide time-spent calculations.)
Step 4: Click in the Save this Password box to place a check in this box.
Step 5: Click the Sign On button or press <ENTER>.
Technical problems: | Call 1-800-WESTLAW (1-800-937-8529). |
Specialized research assistance: | Call 1-800-REF-ATTY (1-800 733-2889). |
Sign-in/log-on questions: | Use eService Center and select Topic 3. Case Management, or call AOC Customer Services at (1-800-442- 2169) and select Option 3. |
For user passwords and content questions: | Contact John Bell, AOC Westlaw staff coordinator, at [email protected]. |
3. Who is our Westlaw representative and how do I contact him/her?
Shannon Lashbrook, Attorney
Westlaw Trainer Government Customers
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 702-810-0477
4. What databases can I access using Westlaw?
For a complete list of databases and services, please see the attachment at the bottom of this answer.
5. Can I search a database that is not covered under the Westlaw agreement?
No. Westlaw passwords will only allow you to access databases and services covered under the Westlaw contract with the AOC.
See also these links on the Inside Courts Web site, under Legal Research in the left Navigation Bar:
- Westlaw (sign-in page).
- Westlaw Information.
RN id: 2024