What are the suggested SCOMIS Cause Codes for filing the new causes of action created during the 2008 Legislative Session?

The chart below lists the suggested SCOMIS Cause Codes for filing the new causes of action created during the 2008 Legislative Session:

 Bill Case Type Suggested Cause Code(s)
 2SHB 2479 - Wireless Number Disclosure Civil - 2 MSC - Miscellaneous
INJ - Injunction
 SHB 2602 - Victims' Employment Leave Civil - 2 MSC - Miscellaneous
 E2SHB 2647 - Children's Safe Products Civil - 2 MSC - Miscellaneous
 E2SHB - 2712 - Criminal Street Gangs Civil - 2 PRG - Property Damage Gangs *
 2SHB 3104 - Domestic Partnerships Domestic Relations - 3 DPN - Dissolution of
Domestic Partnership -
With No Children *
 DPC - Dissolution of
Domestic Partnership -
With Children *
SPD - Legal Separation -
Domestic Partnership *
 INP - Invalidity - Domestic
Partnership *
 2SSB 5642 - Cigarette Ignition Civil - 2 INJ - Injunction
 SSB 6306 - Visitation Rights Juvenile Dependency - 7 RVS - Relative Visitation *

* Indicates new SCOMIS Cause Code

RN id: 2007