Do courts have to enter a new name for restitution recipients each time a recipient is entered on the RST screen?

Yes, courts should enter a new name for restitution recipients each time a recipient is entered on the RST screen.

Restitution recipients do not have to be well-identified persons as defined by the Person Business Rules.  It is recommended that court users do not search for a well-identified person when entering a restitution recipient. 

Because of this recommendation, it is necessary to enter a restitution recipient each time a person is added to the Restitution Update (RST) screen.  Because court users are not using a well-identified person, duplicate entries for the same name will likely occur. 

There is a possibility that more than one court has the same person listed as a restitution recipient.  It is also possibility that each court has a different mailing address for this person where they send their respective restitution payments (based on the information the recipient provided).  Court users should not change a restitution recipient's address entered by another court. 

See also:

eService ID: Restitution Processing

RN id: 2000