How does JIS process the Traumatic Brain Injury Fee (TBI)?

Between July 22, 2007, and March 17, 2008, only the Non-Civil Case Add (NCCA) screen created the $2 potential accounts receivable for TBI-Traumatic Brain Injury Fee for each infraction traffic charge.  When charges were added or changed on the NCC or VIO screens, the accounts receivables required manual corrections.

Beginning March 17, 2008, the Case Filing Update (NCC) screen also creates or updates the potential accounts receivable for the TBI-Traumatic Brain Injury Fee.

The JIS Online Manual has been updated.  See the Traumatic Brain Injury Account Fees section and the Additional Violations section for details.

See also:

If you have any questions, please contact AOC Customer Services, Line 3, or submit an eService Center Incident using the topic Case Management.

RN id: 1984