How do I set up multiple court addresses for eTicketing (ETP)?

JIS accommodates only one address for a court, while the eTicketing Processing (ETP) application can accommodate multiple addresses for a court. Therefore, AOC needs to maintain additional court addresses for the court and transfer them to the officer's eTicketing application.

In the paper ticket world, officers would simply attach a sticker to the violatoras copy so the violator knew where to respond. With eTicketing, the officer is able to select from multiple court addresses. The selected address then appears on the violatoras citation copy.

The court is unable to maintain multiple court addresses in JIS.  Therefore, if your court is planning to accept eTickets and has multiple locations, please use eService Center to send a request to AOC Customer Services to set up your court's additional location address(es):  Select Topic 3. Case Management.  In the Question Data area, please include the following information for each branch location:

  • Verify that the court's Official/Organization (OFO) record in JIS is correct or specify how it should be updated.
  • For additional addresses, provide:
  • The court's name (for that location).
  • The address for the location.  (Two address lines allowed, plus City/State/Zip.)
  • Up to two (2) phone numbers.
  • A court e-mail address.
  • A court or jurisdiction's website URL.

RN id: 1908