On the Prepare Calendar (PREP CALE) screen in SCOMIS, one of our staff members has access to all available calendar titles, but another staff member does not see the entire list. How can I enable all items for the staff member who currently has limited access?

Calendars that appear on a specific Prepare Calendar screen are based two things:

  • The print domain is assigned as the default for the user that is accessing the Prepare Calendar screen.
  • The calendar codes are available for THAT print domain. 

The problem described occurs because the two users have different print domain defaults for their SCOMIS security settings.

For multiple users to be able to see the same calendar list in the Prepare Calendar (PREP CALE) screen, use the Subcommand field at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Type the word DOMAIN.
  2. Press the <SPACE BAR>.
  3. Enter the print domain name that is to be accessed (i.e. DOMAIN A, DOMAIN ?, etc.).
  4. Press <ENTER>.
    Result: The list of calendars for that specific print domain appear.

For more information on this topic, see the Calendar Preparation topic in the Online SCOMIS manual.


Courts can request the calendar's assigned print domain be changed by the AOC by having a Site Coordinator or County Clerk submit an eService Incident using eService Center.

To change the court user's default print domain, submit a Manage SCOMIS User Access form from the Court Resources/Court Management/Manage JIS User IDs page of the Inside Courts Website.

  1. Select the Modify an Existing User option.
  2. Complete ONLY the Identify the User and Modify Name and/or RACF ID User ID sections.
  3. In the Comments or Additional Information box at the bottom of the screen, specify that the Default Print Domain for the user should be changed, as well as which domain it should be changed to.

RN id: 1878