Why does the exception "Non-charge / Final Count (Guilty)" or "Non-charge / Final Count (Dismissed)" keep appearing on my Caseload Exception Report on Case type 1 or Case Type 8 cases?

This exception indicates that you have one or more charges listed on the Charge Screen, for the listed case number, that is considered a 'Non-Charge' entry.  That Non-charge entry also has a Guilty (or Dismissed) Result Code entered in the Charge Screen in error.

According to the Superior Court Statistical Reporting Manual for Case Type 1 - Final Counts Resolved and for Case Type 8 - Final Counts Resolved, any Non-charge entry should have the Result Code N in the Result (RS) code field of the Charge Screen, and Non-charge results are not reported in the caseload statistics.

It is important, however, to record the N in the Result (RS) Code field, so that the information on the Defendant Case History (DCH) screen can be interpreted correctly.

Charge screen entries that are considered "non-charge" for the Caseload Report and will be considered a Non-charge entry for the purpose of the final Count Statistical Reporting, include the following entries:

For more information on the Superior Court Caseload Report Exceptions, please see the Superior Court Statistical Reporting Manual for the appropriate Case type and Statistic being recorded.

RN id: 1851