What are the options to docket confidential information in SCOMIS?

Docket code CIF - Confidential Information Form can be used to docket that a "Confidential Information Sheet" was filed.

Additional Docket Codes for Sealed/Confidential Documents:

  • CNRSE - Confidential Report in Sealed Envelope.
  • SEALRPT - Sealed Confidential Reports Cover Sheet.
  • SEALPHC - Sealed Personal Health Care Records Cover Sheet.
  • SEALFN - Sealed Financial Source Documents(s).
  • CSBKDG - Cover Sheet for Background Check.
  • SADP - Sealed Acknowledgement / Denial of Paternity.

These codes are located on the SCOMIS Code Manual > Docket Codes > Document / Event Docket Codes page of the Online Manuals:

Please also review the County Clerk's Handbook, Section 14 - Record-Keeping Generally; Destruction, Sealing, and Redaction of Court Records for recommended practices when processing Confidential Information in a case.

RN id: 1842